What are the elements of database security policy?

There are some elements of database security policy which are as follows −

Acceptable Use − Anyone who has logged in to a corporate web over the last 10-15 years has likely been accepted with an acceptable use policy pop-up. The acceptable use policy represent proper and improper behavior when users access company web resources, such as restrictions on the use of company resources for non-businessassociated activities. It can also detail some monitoring the company does to provide the acceptable use policy.

Scanning for Vulnerabilities − It is essential to find some vulnerabilities in a company's IT infrastructure before hackers do. Because hackers will scan for vulnerabilities the minute they are find, a company should have a routine in place for testing its own networks regularly.

Monitoring Compliance − The use of audits is a best way to provide that the company’s staff and management are complying with the several elements of a data security policy. These audits should be implemented on a regular schedule.

Account Monitoring and Control − It is an essential component of a data security policy. There are some common sources of digital compromises are legitimate but inactive user accounts. This can appear when a staff member has been fired or laid off but its account not been removed.

If the employee is disgruntled, the ability to still create the organization’s assets can be largely damaging. The security policy should designate definite IT team members to monitor and control user accounts carefully, which can avoid this illegal activity from occurring.

There are some more important categories that a security policy should include as data and network segmentation, identity and access management, etc. It should also address the organizations’ whole security posture, monitoring some activity across each IT asset looking for abnormal and suspicious activity and activity patterns.

Security Incident Reporting − The data security policy should also address incident response and documenting, defining how data security breaches are managed and by whom, and how security incidents should be analyzed and “lessons learned” should be used to avoid future incidents.

Vulnerability Scans − Vulnerability scanning software is very sophisticated and is a must-have element of some data security policies. In specific, providing that firewall ports are being monitored for intrusions is an element of data security.

Software Inventory, License Management and Patch Management − It is maintaining an accurate accounting of some application purchased, installed and in use is essential for maintaining compliance with licensing methods and controlling costs. Scanning both end-user and server computers for unauthorized or unlicensed software and providing proper patch management are also essential for data security and compliance with the privacy policy requirements of several regulations.

Updated on: 07-Mar-2022


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