What are the different types of YouTube Video Categories?

Do you produce YouTube videos? Are you struggling to receive the anticipated number of video views?

You're definitely not doing something correctly. You might not be familiar with YouTube's functionality or SEO. Not to worry! This article was written to assist you in growing your YouTube channel. This blog's main goal is to help you understand how YouTube functions and the significance of the various YouTube video categories. So let's get going.

Meaning of YouTube Video Categories

On the YouTube platform, channels and videos can be arranged using YouTube video categories. It goes without saying that you will get greater results if you apply your video to the correct category. It makes it much easier than you might imagine for the intended audience to find your Youtube video.

Different Types of YouTube Categories?

On YouTube, there are a total of 15 categories −

Animation and Film

One of the largest areas of YouTube is the film and animation category.

The YouTube video category called "Film" includes all movie-related content. Consider examples like movie reviews, movie trailers, and movie scenes. Trailers for movies produced by major film and animation studios like A24, Disney, and Sony typically have the most views on YouTube.

The animation category is getting popular on many YouTube channels. This applies to big organizations such as Pixar as well as independent producers of other animation-related media like "Jaiden Animations."

Autos and Vehicles

As implied by the category name, it caters to the video category about cars and other vehicles. This could take the shape of a self-blog, an advertisement, or a review of a car. Everything that has a vehicle component as a primary subject needs to be added to the corresponding category.

Music Videos

On YouTube, music videos are consistently the most viewed type of content. It's likely the only platform where all brand-new music videos are published and easily accessible. The majority of musicians have their own YouTube channels where they post the music videos for their most recent albums, and then it's a race against time to get the most views.

Pets and Animals

Anything relating to animals and pets is included in this category. People that create content about their dogs, such as pet vlogs, pet care tips, and more, fall under the "pets" category. The most well-known independent creator in this field is Brave Wilderness, which produces videos of real-life analyses of various animals and insects.

Videos about animals or nature can be found in the animal category. This means that it includes things like wildlife documentaries, animal guides, and any other content centered around wild animals.


Here, you can only upload videos about various sports, as the category indicates. Sports can be played outdoors or indoors. To attract the interest of sports fans and help you get the outcomes you're after, everything involving or related to sports needs to be uploaded here. Sports-related videos must be posted in the appropriate category, whether they are about baseball, football, or another sport.

Travel & Events

Videos about travel, other locations, or other topics related to travel must be uploaded in the appropriate category for this type of subject. This can assist you in reaching the proper audience quickly and increasing your viewership. Therefore, be sure to publish all videos about travel and tourism in the appropriate category.


Videos for game information, game hacks, game tips, game reviews, live playing, and other relevant topics are included in the gaming category. Videos of game players playing live and finishing levels are highly common these days. Gaming Channels like "PewDiePie" and "Mr. Beast" are among the most popular creators on the network. The aggregate subscriber base of the two independent authors is more than 200 million!

People and Blogs

Videos about lifestyle, people, blogs, promotions, and other topics fall under the People & Blogs category. Because it fits with practically anything, it is the default category for all videos that are published on YouTube.


Since it keeps viewers interested and makes the material more enjoyable, comedy is a rather popular area on YouTube, where most YouTubers aim to make their content amusing. There are many channels on the platform, including "Smosh" and "CollegeHumor," that focus on improv and sketch comedy.


One of the most widely used YouTube video genres on the planet is entertainment. This category typically promotes anything with an entertainment industry focus. This section must contain all content relating to the entertainment business.

News and Politics

In essence, any content about current events, political discussions, or developing topics falls under the News and Politics category. In my opinion, watching a 5-minute YouTube video of the evening news is far more convenient than spending an hour in front of the TV. Of course, there are major players like CNN and Fox News. However, a sizable portion of YouTube searches is for political commentary.

How to And Style

Some of the most useful materials on YouTube are how-to manuals. There are tutorial channels available for you, whether you want to watch a YouTube video to learn how to parallel park or how to build a cabin from scratch.

A sizable portion of the specialty is devoted to crafting, and individuals enjoy watching tutorials on how to complete simple tasks. With nearly only brief content, 5-Minute Crafts has a wide audience.


The category for education covers videos on educational topics as well as tutorials, information guides, learning, and academic classes. Therefore, always check other categories before using this one. If your video is about education and doesn't fit in another area, it belongs in the education category.

Science And Technology

Any video that discusses or is focused on science, technology, engineering, or mathematics is considered science and technology (STEM). Many YouTubers produce amazing YouTube video content by utilizing their expertise in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

YouTube videos produced by tech channels like "Marques Brownlee," "Mark Rober," and "Michael Reeves," which draw viewers interested in STEM fields, make use of their engineering expertise.

NonProfit & Activism

Giving philanthropic organizations and significant social movements a forum to share their content is one of YouTube's best applications. In this YouTube category, they can do both-showcase what the charity has accomplished or solicit donations. They produce content where the main goal of the video is to inform viewers of their goals and how you can support them.


Over time, the variety of YouTube categories has increased. They are so undoubtedly not limited to those mentioned in this article. It's crucial to take note of the kind of information and subjects that the platform's users prefer to see. Additionally, we are aware that different audiences have different preferences. These are the factors that you, as a present or potential channel owner, should consider before launching your initiative.

Updated on: 31-Oct-2023

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