What are the different operations on files in C language?

The operations that can be carried out on files in C language are as follows −

  • Naming the file.
  • Opening the file.
  • Reading from the file.
  • Writing into the file.
  • Closing the file.


The syntax for opening and naming file is as follows −

FILE *File pointer;

For example, FILE * fptr;

File pointer = fopen ("File name”, "mode”);

For example, fptr = fopen ("sample.txt”, "r”)

FILE *fp;
fp = fopen ("sample.txt”, "w”);

Modes of opening the file

The modes of opening the file in C language are explained below −

rFile is opened for reading
wFile is opened for writing
a+File opened for append
r+File opened for reading & writing
w+File opened for writing & reading
a+File opened for append & reading
rtText file is opened for reading
wtText file is opened for writing
atText file is opened for appending
r+tText file is opened for reading & writing
w+tText file is opened for both writing & reading
a+tText file is opened for both appending & reading
rbBinary file is opened for reading
wbBinary file is opened for writing
abBinary file is opened for appending
r+bBinary file is opened for both reading & writing
w+bBinary file is opened for both writing & reading
a+bBinary file is opened for both appending & reading.
  • Write mode of opening the file

The syntax is as follows −

FILE *fp;
fp =fopen ("sample.txt”, "w”);

If the file is not existing, then a new file is created.

If the file exists then, old content gets erased and current content will be stored.

  • Read mode of opening the file

The syntax is as follows −

FILE *fp
fp =fopen ("sample.txt”, "r”);

If the file is not existing, then fopen function returns NULL value.

If the file exists, then data is read successfully from file

  • Append mode of opening a file

The syntax is as follows −

FILE *fp;
fp =fopen ("sample.txt", "a");

If the file doesn’t exist, then a new file will be created.

If the file exists, the current content will be adding to the old content.

ModeExitNot Exit
WCurrent ContentNew file will be created
AOld ContentCurrent Content
New file will be Created


Following is the C program for operations on files −

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//Program for copying the contents of one file into another file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // For exit()
int main(){
   FILE *fptr1, *fptr2;
   char filename[100], c;
   printf("Enter the filename to open for reading 
");    scanf("%s",filename);    // Open one file for reading    fptr1 = fopen(filename, "r");    if (fptr1 == NULL){       printf("Cannot open file %s
", filename);       exit(0);    }    printf("Enter the filename to open for writing
");    scanf("%s", filename);    // Open another file for writing    fptr2 = fopen(filename, "w");    if (fptr2 == NULL){       printf("Cannot open file %s
", filename);       exit(0);    }    // Read contents from file    c = fgetc(fptr1);    while (c != EOF){       fputc(c, fptr2);       c = fgetc(fptr1);    }    printf("
Contents copied to %s", filename);    fclose(fptr1);    fclose(fptr2);    return 0; }


When the above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Enter the filename to open for reading
Enter the filename to open for writing
Contents copied to file1.txt

Updated on: 11-Mar-2021

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