What are the differences between mean.io and mean.js in javascript?

Differences between Mean.io and Mean.js

The MEAN is a stack framework. When combined with Mongodb, node.js, express.js and angular.js it helps to create a complete javascript web app. A software developer from Israel, Amos Haviv was the first person to initiate Mean.io. Mean.js is simply a fork out from Mean.io.

When developers closely observe these two variations they perceive that Mean.io has a different objective than Mean.js. The only reason might be that Mean.io is not as elegant as Mean.js. When a developer completely understands Stack, mostly he prefers Mean.js.

Let's look where Mean.io and Mean.js differ

1) Boilerplate generation and scaffolding

These are nothing but a unit of writing that can be used over and over without change. Mean.js uses Yeoman             generators whereas Mean.io uses a custom cli tool called ‘mean’.

2) Build system

Mean.io uses gulp whereas Mean.js uses grunt. gulp and grunt both are automation tools.

3) Modularity

Mean.js employs modules in the front-end and connects them with Express.js. on the other hand Mean.io uses node     package modularity with client and server files located in the modules.

4) Documentation

Coming to documentation, Mean.js has a highly sophisticated documentation on comparing with Mean.io. Most of     the developers find that documentation of Mean.js is better than Mean.io.

 5) Community

since Mean.io is the original one it has larger community, which is growing very faster whereas Mean.js is not that   much big but it is also growing at a good pace.

6) Deployment

These frameworks can be deployed with one-click but the only difference is Mean.js works on Digital Ocean and       Mean.io works on Google compute engine. 

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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