What are the curries in which cinnamon can be used to improve the taste?

Indian food is an aromatic mix of vibrant colored spices. These spices not only offer different tastes but a unique flavor to each dish to which they are added. Out of all the spices used at home like Red chilli powder, turmeric, fenugreek seed powder, the cinnamon powder has a significant place while preparing many Indian dishes.

The peculiar sweet taste of Cinnamon makes it suitable for Apple pie, Banana pie and other desserts are known to us. But what about curries? Below are some curries which will taste outstanding just with a pinch or two of cinnamon powder in them.

  • Ceylon cinnamon or True Cinnamon makes Rajma masala get a milder taste. Since Rajma is already quite a spicy and savory dish, an addition of cinnamon gives it a more balanced taste.

  • Any soup will taste much better when topped with a pinch of fragrant cinnamon powder.

  • Lentils are healthy we all know that. But the very name and then the sight of these is enough for children to run away. Cooked lentils topped with Cinnamon powder will not only smell good but also taste good.

  • Add one stick to beef curries, fish or Chicken curries.

  • Now this would be a bit surprising but once tried, the taste of the dish will surely give one a lot of appreciation. Most of the south Indian food stalls have chefs who use cinnamon powder in Dosa, Idli, Uttapam batter. But it is tantalizing to know that ‘sambhar’ tastes even better when topped with a pinch of cinnamon. This is because tamarind already makes it quite sour, so cinnamon acts as a balancing agent.

Cinnamon is a key ingredient in the garam masala too. The taste, texture, and aroma of cinnamon, hence making it suitable to be added to many Indian curries.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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