What are the consumer rights and responsibilities?

Shopper rights are presently a vital part of our lives. They have been well framed and tremendously discussed. We have all made utilization of them eventually in our day to day activities. Market assets and impacts are developing every day and so is the familiarity with consumer rights. These rights are well characterized and there are agencies like the consumer courts and government offices that work towards shielding them.

Keeping in mind the goal to protect consumer interest, six rights were put forth by consumer rights activists of the West, which are:

  • Right to Information
  • Right to Safety
  • Right to Choice
  • Right to be Heard
  • The Right to Redress
  • The right to consumer education.

The Right to Safety

The reach of the right to safety was restricted to electronic items and other such items in the past. Presently, its definition has extended to incorporate safety aspects like GM food, nourishment labelling, chemicals in food items etc. In the present situation of globalization, consumers have no power over where the items or products they utilize, originate from.

The Right to Information

The right to Information implies the privilege to be given the facts which are required to make choices about elements like quality, amount, strength, purity guidelines and cost of item etc. The right to data now goes past keeping away from duplicity and assurance against deceiving publicizing, fake labeling etc.

The Right to Choice

For the modern world customers, Right to choice means to select from a surplus of items. For example, American customers can select from 25,000 grocery stores, 200 sorts of oats, and read 11,092 magazines. This sort of decision frequently gives customers a feeling of prosperity and well-being and urges them to trust that abundance prompts great living. The market likewise propagates this line of thought by publicizing and advertising.

The Right to be Heard

The right to be heard implies that consumers must be permitted to voice their feelings and grievances. For example in the event that you have been swindled in a market or denied the correct service, your protest must be heard and given due consideration by the authorities.

The Right to Redress

The market economy results in competition. Manufacturers are finding many methods for fooling customers. Deceitful market practices are finding their way into buyer homes, disregarding consumer rights and risking their security. The right to redress is put forth to consumer interests.

Right to redress is maybe the most practised consumer right in the developed nations. In developing nations, buyers are still wary of getting involved in legal redress system.

The Right to consumer education

The right to Consumer education engages buyers to practice their consumer rights. It is maybe the most capable tool that can make purchases from their present disadvantageous position to one of strength in the market center. Consumer education is dynamic in nature and is for the most part gained by practical experience. In the Indian setting, manageability and traditional knowledge can assume a key role in engaging customers.

Updated on: 26-Jun-2020


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