What are the Characteristics of Agile?

Agile is a software development process that focuses on providing software outcomes iteratively & incrementally. Agile is a reply to the traditional, plan-driven software development methods that have been in service for many years. Here we will discuss the details of Agile.

Characteristics of Agile

  • Iterative and Incremental Development − Agile is all about developing software in gradual steps. It means every software is developed in a small size, with each chunk building upon the last one. Each increment is tested & reviewed & feedback is used to improve the next increment.

  • Emphasis on Customer Collaboration − One of the root principles of Agile is client collaboration. Agile development teams work closely with clients to comprehend their requirements and priorities. By concerning the client in the development strategy, the team can create a product that truly satisfies their needs.

  • Flexibility − When it comes to flexibility, Agile development is very useful. It permits groups to make modifications fast & efficiently. It means that the product can evolve and adapt as customer needs change. You can do any changes in the development process without disrupting the entire project.

  • Self-Organizing Teams − Agile development depends on self-organizing units. It means that the team is reliable in managing itself & making conclusions about the growth process. Each team member brings their unique skills & expertise to the table, creating a cohesive and dynamic group.

  • Emphasis on Continuous Improvement − Continuous progress is the major theme of agile development. The development strategy is regularly reviewed & refined based on feedback from clients and the team. By continually improving the team can create better software products that meet customer needs and requirements.

  • Emphasis on Working Software − Agile development prioritizes working software over documentation or other artifacts. It means that the team focuses on delivering a functional product that can be tested & reviewed by the customer. Each increment provides value to the customer, making the process more efficient and effective.

  • Emphasis on Responding to Change − Agile development prioritizes more to the response to change. The team can adapt fast to adjust requirements or market conditions, guaranteeing that the product stays relevant & valuable to the customer. To allow the team to remain ahead of the curve changes should incorporate into the growth process as soon as possible.

Benefits of Agile

  • Faster Time to Market − The iterative and incremental approach means that the product can be delivered in smaller increments, reducing the time between development and delivery.

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction − Agile development improves customer satisfaction by involving the customer in the development process. The client can give feedback & make conclusions about the development, resulting in a product that satisfies their needs & requirements.

  • Higher Quality − The process of Agile provides a higher-quality product. The iterative and gradual process permits continuous testing & review, confirming that the outcome meets the necessary quality standards.

  • Increased Flexibility − Agile development permits increased flexibility, enabling changes to be made quickly & easily throughout the development process.

  • Reduced Risk − Agile development reduces risk by providing early & frequent opportunities for testing & review. It means that issues can be identified & addressed early, reducing the risk of costly rework later in the development process.

Applying Agile to Software Development

You can use Agile for any software development project. It means products of any size & complexity. The key to successful Agile development is to adopt the principles & values of Agile.

Agile Development Typically Involves the Following Phases

  • Planning − The development team works with the customer to define the project scope, objectives, and requirements.

  • Design − The development team creates a high-level design of the product, including the key features & functionality.

  • Development − The product is developed in small increments, with each increment tested and reviewed by the team and the customer.

  • Testing − The outcome is tested entirely to confirm that it satisfies the necessary quality standards.

  • Deployment − The product is deployed to the customer, with ongoing support and maintenance provided as needed.


Agile is a software development methodology. It is defined by iterative & incremental growth, client partnership, flexibility, self-organizing teams, & constant improvement. Agile delivers multiple benefits, including quicker time to market, enhanced client satisfaction, higher quality, increased flexibility, and reduced risk. By applying Agile to software development projects, teams can deliver high-quality products that meet customer needs and requirements. To be successful with Agile, it is crucial to adopt the principles & values of Agile & to acclimate the method to the specific project's need. With its emphasis on collaboration, flexibility & continuous improvement, Agile is strong processes for software development that can help teams deliver better products, faster.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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