What are the Automation Trends in Cyber Security?

What is Cyber Security?

The beginning of the digitalization era has provided many options for everyone, particularly businesses and enterprises, from mobile banking to online purchasing to reading news and books. Everything is only a click away, but everything comes at a cost. The more you link to digital assets, the greater the chance of sensitive and confidential data exposed to security flaws.

So, how are these companies securing their critical data and combating these threats?

Cyber security involves techniques that help secure various digital components, networks, data, and computer systems from unauthorized digital access or misuse of authorized assets. Cyber security aims to reduce cyber-attacks and protect organizations and individuals from intentional and unintentional security breaches. Depending on the type of network you're linked to and the types of cyber-attacks you're vulnerable to, there are a variety of approaches to implement cyber security.

Cybersecurity Automation

Security is one of the most crucial parts of a company's operation. Effective and trustworthy security is critical for any business since it protects the company's data, employees, and customers. As more enterprises have digitized their activities in the last decade or two, the importance of cybersecurity has grown.

However, because hackers have gotten more cunning in their approach, simply implementing cybersecurity isn't always enough. As technology progresses and businesses become increasingly digital, cybersecurity automation may become more than a recommendation—it may become a must.

Wherever possible, the phrase automation refers to the approach of limiting human involvement. Over time, technology has been used to make things automatic, or as close to automatic as possible, with little to no human involvement.

So, cybersecurity automation refers to preventing cyber-attacks by automatically programming security systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically sense such threats. An automated cybersecurity system could spot a possible threat and neutralize it instead of simply raising the alarm to alert a human security specialist to take action. AI and machine learning enable automated cybersecurity systems to choose the best course of action in the event of an attack.

Automating security systems makes them more efficient, but it also improves their performance level. According to a survey, security staff cannot deal with the volume of threats; hence 74% of security events and alarms are overlooked. When a cybersecurity system is automated, every alert and incident is dealt with and analyzed for future use.

While zero-trust cyber security architectures appear to be the next trend in federal IT security, automation and granular access controls are a significant component of the shift to zero trust. Even though data breach costs in the US public sector are likely to be greater than average, federal agencies adopt cybersecurity automation tools and orchestration.

Cyber Security and Automation Trends

AI integration and its merging with cyber security show massive growth in the IT sector, and it will continue to provide substantial additional benefits from an IT security perspective. AI in cyber security has been projected to grow from almost $9 billion in 2019 to $38 billion in 2026.

AI integration has proven its ability to analyze risk data from structured and unstructured resources, make key judgments, and reduce the time it takes to respond to attacks, all of which make securing networks and data more efficient.

Adaptive Networks are programmable and automated networks that can configure, track, and adapt to changing requirements. Basic layers, programmable infrastructure, analytics and intelligence, and control and automation are all used in these networks. These act as sensors, providing real-time information about network efficiency and vulnerabilities, allowing agencies to address them.

  • Supercomputing – Cyber risks can be detected much more quickly by giving a thorough model of ordinary background network traffic and studying unusual activity more readily.

  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR) - a SaaS-based security threat detection and incident response tool that integrates multiple security products. XDR features collecting and correlating data to analyze, prioritize and remediate threats to security breaches across various attack vectors.

  • Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) – It is a convergence of WAN and network security services like CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker), FWaaS (FireWall as a Service), and Zero-Trust into a single, cloud-delivered service model. It focuses on bringing security rights to the edge of cloud infrastructure and making remote access and cloud-based services as secure as possible.

Updated on: 04-May-2022


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