What are the architecture of OSI Security?

The OSI security architecture provides the managers responsible for the security of an organization in describing the necessity for security. The OSI security architecture was introduced as an ‘international standard’ which allow the computer and communication dealer produce the products that have security characteristics depends on this architecture.

The OSI security architecture has a structure description of services and structure for supporting security to the organization’s data. The OSI security architecture targets on security attacks, structure, and services.

These can be represented concisely as follows −

Security attack − Security attack is any action that deal the security of data owned by an organization.

Security mechanism − A process (or a device assortment such a process) that is designed to identify, avoid, or restore from a security attack.

Security service − A processing or communication service that improves the security of the data processing systems and the information assign of an organization. The services are pre-determined to counter security attacks, and they create need of one or more security structure to support the service.

In the security service, the terms threat and attack are generally used to define more or less the similar thing. However RFC 2828 (RFC stands for Request for Comment- is a security standard) separate threat and attack

Message Confidentiality − Message confidentiality or privacy represent that the sender and the receiver exclude confidentiality. The transmitted message should create understand to only the predetermined receiver. When a user linked with the bank, they anticipate that the communication is entirely confidential.

Message Integrity − Message integrity represent that the data should occur at the receiver efficiently as they were sent. There must be no changes for the span of the transmission, neither by chance nor falsely. As progressively monetary network appear over the internet, integrity is important.

Threat − A threat is an action, process, enterprise, or process that exploits a vulnerability to attack an asset. It includes natural threats, unforeseen threats, human unforeseen threats, and human malicious threats.

These can include power decline, biological corruption or difficult chemical spills, acts of characteristics, or hardware/software failure, data removal or loss of integrity, destruction, or theft or vandalism.

Threat is a power for negligence of security, which exists when there is a condition, capability, activity, or event that can breach security and cause loss. That is, a threat is a feasible hazard that can exploit vulnerability.

Attack − Attacks can be represented by the relationship among threat, vulnerability, and damage. It can avoid attacks from viruses and tease, a modern version of antivirus application should be used.

Attack is an violate on system security that changes from an creative threat; that is, an creative act that is a deliberate attempt (particularly in the sense of an approach or technique) to avoid security services and disrupt the security policy of a system.

Updated on: 10-Mar-2022

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