What are the 5 Pillars of Social Media Marketing?

What is Social Media Marketing?

One of the most well−known phrases and platforms for promoting products for both small and large organisations is "social media marketing." There is a significant growth in the number of active mobile social media users as people switch from desktop to mobile surfing. Social media users are growing yearly. Social media is popular because of the entertaining and educational information that is posted there. Users may easily maintain contact with their friends and family through social media. And for that reason, the number of people using social media regularly increases each year. Social media marketing is a crucial component of inbound marketing in addition to search engine optimization and content marketing. That has aided several brands and companies in reaching their target market.

Social media marketing, to put it simply, is all about advertising and promoting a brand and product on different social media platforms to increase sales, increase website traffic, and develop brand credibility.

The well−known social media sites among users include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, Snapchat, etc. Most businesses, from small start−ups to well−known large brands, consider social media to be the most important channels for interacting with clients, raising awareness, and forging a sense of brand identity.

Social media advertisements assist in producing a strong ROI by utilising hashtags, and interesting content, distributing selected links and monitoring rivals.

5 Pillars of Social Media Marketing

The 5 pillars of Social Media Marketing are as listed below:

1. Social Strategy

Making a social media strategy is the first thing we suggest you do if you intend to create content on social media. You may be asking how to create a social strategy at this point. to develop a customer−centric approach You should reflect on the following issues 

  • What are your objectives?

  • Which social networking site would best assist you to reach your objective?

  • What kind of material will draw in your target audience?

2. Planning & Publishing

It's as easy to publish engaging and educational material as it is to upload images or videos to your social media page. However, you should concentrate on developing a plan for your post if your objective is to use social media to advertise a company or a product.

You should be aware of things like 

  • How frequently do your prospective clients use social media?

  • Examining the audience your post reached?

  • Check to see whether your post is interesting.

  • Carefully craft your social media post.

3. Listening & Engagement

Early on, it's possible that few people are following your company page and engaging with you through comments and direct messages. However, if you start publishing interesting material, you can see that your audience is expanding

As the number of people following, you on social media increases, you could discover that they begin interacting with you in comments and direct messages as well as by tagging you in posts. Additionally, there's a potential that they'll start sharing your work if you routinely upload interesting material

As a result, always monitor your comments and direct messages to see what your audience is saying. If they are having a problem, attempt to fix it, and if they are complimenting your company or product and offering you some nice feedback, thank them.

4. Analytics and Reporting

One of the KPIs for every internet marketing channel is analytics and reporting. if you have a company page and regularly upload new stuff there. then you must be conscious of how your page or article is doing.

Every business search for a report to aid in analysis.

  • The total amount of favorable mentions they receive in a month.

  • The reach of their article compared to the previous month.

  • The volume of people utilising their hashtag and brand name.

  • The number of users who are sharing, commenting, and loving their content.

  • An increase in followers over the previous month.

5. Advertising

Social advertisements are one of the most well-known features of social media. Use social advertisements to promote your brand when you are ready to invest in social media. It will assist you in contacting the greatest number of people and displaying advertisements to your intended market.

Things “Not to Do” on Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing tips frequently advise being genuine and producing quality content. However, it doesn't always provide the best outcomes when you try to do that. That explains why there are so many company pages on Facebook with only a small number of followers. These companies could be operating properly, but they might also be making serious mistakes.

If you want your social media campaign to be successful, avoid the following eight frequent social media mistakes 

  • Operating without a strategy

    Many newcomers to the realm of social media just follow a tutorial rather than developing a comprehensive social media marketing plan. Like driving a car without understanding how much gas is in it or where the road is going, social media marketing should be done with the knowledge of your audience, how to promote your postings, and the next move to make. It's a mistake that might cause your entire campaign to fail, wasting all your time and work.

  • Considering everyone to be your audience

    Building a successful plan requires a thorough understanding of your audience. Many companies oversimplify their target market to the point that it distorts reality rather than aids in understanding it.

    Most Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 34, making them members of the Millennial generation. Millennials− who are they? If you judge them by these two characteristics, your social media strategy is doomed.

    Instead, research your audience to better understand them. You are interested in the Millennials who are purchasing from your company, but not all of them.

    You may modify your tone and content as a result, in addition to helping you generate more specific targeting.

  • Using ineffective hashtags

    Use hashtags if you want to gain visibility. Participate in a hot-topic conversation with your brand, and thousands of people will notice your account. Although it seems easy, there is a serious drawback that you should be aware of.

    There will be thousands of people who view your brand. If you do anything wrong, everyone will know. Since the post may still be accessible through the online archive, deleting it won't entirely wash you clean either.

  • Ignoring the comment section

    Increasing engagement rates by receiving plenty of comments on your posts is one of the finest strategies to create an Instagram algorithm like yours. This also applies to Facebook.

    Leaving comments doesn’t only appeal to the algorithm, it establishes connections with your followers. When they see you care enough to respond to their comments, they’ll like your brand more.

  • Removing negative remarks

    You must have observed a few instances of brands that receive a critical remark, engage in a protracted argument, and ultimately delete the entire thread.

    The last genuine action you can do is this. When you get a critical comment, you must demonstrate to your audience that you have nothing to conceal and remain impartial.

    If someone criticises you and points out your mistakes, accept the criticism and make improvements. Ignore them if they're simply being poisonous.


Social media is the most effective channel for building brand recognition for both small and large-scale enterprises. You may improve your brand's exposure, cultivate positive relationships with your potential consumers, and establish two-way contact with them by creating a thorough social media plan.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2022

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