What are Straits, NEO, NXT, and EOS Blockchains?


Blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger technology that allows for recording transactions in a corporate network and the acquisition of digital assets. While providing transparency and data verification, blockchain technology is less resistant to fraud and cyber threats than previous record−keeping methods. It also lets you track orders, finances, production, and payments. Because of the numerous uses of this technology, corporations and financial institutions are always on the lookout for blockchain experts.

About Stratis, NEO, NXT, and EOS


Stratis is a dynamic and adaptable blockchain Development Platform created by Chris Strew (CEO of Stratis) to assist corporations and other organizations in developing, testing, and deploying blockchain−based applications. People may construct blockchain apps on this platform using the pure C# language in conjunction with Microsoft. NET framework. Aside from that, network−developed apps may make full use of the Stratis APIs and structure.

How does Stratis work?

Stratis was created as a complete blockchain development platform called "blockchain−as−a−service." It empowers users with blockchain control and enables the creation of automated decentralized apps on its proprietary blockchain. In this way, it competes directly with Ethereum and NEO.

Through its smart contracts, Ethereum's blockchain has made significant progress in making blockchain open to new applications. However, Stratis intends to go much further down the road, providing even more choices for harnessing blockchain to our benefit.

Advantages of Stratis

  • Stratis offers Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) to assist IT sectors in avoiding the price and complexity of purchasing and operating real full nodes.
  • Stratis Full node is a Blockchain service that may be deployed on virtual machines on Microsoft's established and tested Azure cloud infrastructure.
  • Using the most common development technologies, C# and.NET, you may design performant, safe, and auditable smart contracts.
  • Stratis offers customized blockchains known as Sidechains, which may help you take your business to new heights.


The NEO blockchain is a community-driven decentralized peer−to−peer network. It employs a consensus technique known as delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT), which may accommodate up to 10,000 transactions per second. Bookkeeping nodes are chosen randomly to check transactions based on overlapping networks of trust, similar to Stellar, to accomplish such lightning−fast consensus. Because the network operates on a 2 out of 3 majority rule, systems that use dBFT cannot fork into two different chains. The average block duration is between 15 and 25 seconds, and there is no defined size restriction; however, the typical block size is between 2 and 10 kb.

How does NEO work?

NEO is a highly specialized, high−traffic−handling blockchain that can process 10,000 transactions per second. It is based on the Byzantine fault−tolerant/dBFT mechanism, which operates on the basic "Proof of stake" basis. The Byzantine fault−tolerant system is based on a consensus among several individuals/nodes/computers. NEO coins' underlying asset is non−divisible tokens known as GAS tokens. Transaction fees can be paid using these GAS tokens. The pace of inflation of GAS tokens is controlled by a decaying half−life mechanism, which monitors the rate of inflation of GAS tokens.

Advantages of NEO

  • A smart economy comes from digital assets, digital identities, and smart contrite. The smart economy is one of NEO's selling features; it is quite distinct from what other cryptocurrencies, particularly Ethereum, have to offer.
  • Unlike Ethereum, establishing smart contracts on NEO does not need learning a new programming language, allowing any developer to get started and construct a smart economy on the NEO platform.
  • The NEO's Universal Lightweight Virtual Machine, often known as Neo, enables the use of any programming language. The NEO platform's virtual machine is adequate.


Nxt employs blockchain technology to build an entire ecosystem of decentralized features, all of which need Nxt money. Rather than changing the original Bitcoin source code, as many altcoin developers have done, Nxt developers created their code in Java from the ground up. While Nxt is a public blockchain, private blockchain licenses based on its software are also available. Nxt is referred to by its creators as Blockchain 2.0, as it offers multiple uses and maintains a public log of transactions.

How does NXT work?

Nxt is involved in the Forging process. It uses the transaction fee it receives from the platform to compensate miners. The charge for each Nxt transaction is one Nxt. To begin, a user must acquire Nxt currency. After purchasing the currency, they must create a wallet and install it on their computer. Then, allow the coin to run in the wallet and forge for the network. Users can also earn tokens by exchanging fiat currency for cryptocurrency.

Features of NXT

  • NXT Asset Exchange, like other cryptocurrencies, is an entire peer-to-peer program that enables decentralized, rapid, and functional trading.
  • Monetary System: Introduced in version 1.4.8, it is a system that allows you to create and exchange currency tokens.
  • The Data Cloud of the Future is a decentralized data storage system.


EOS is a decentralized, blockchain−based platform for developing, hosting, and operating business apps or dApps. Block. One, the company that produced the open−source software called EOS.IO that is used on the network, raised $4.1 billion in bitcoin through an Offering in June 2018. EOS supports secure access and authentication, permissions, data hosting, use control, and communication between DApps and the Internet. In addition, EOS, a cryptocurrency, is utilized as a means of payment on the network.

How does EOS work?

To locate a block, EOS employs a delegated proof−of−stake consensus process. A bet is placed to confirm the found block before it is added to the chain. The validators receive a payout proportionate to their chances as soon as the block is attached.Though the EOS network is comparable to Ethereum, the EOS coin is distinct from Ether. To execute a smart contract on the EOS network, one needs own EOS tokens in proportion to RAM processing power and CPU space.

Advantages of EOS

  • EOS addresses the issue of blockchain network scalability. It promises to be capable of processing millions of transactions per second.
  • EOS employs the DPoS consensus method, which allows the network to freeze a specific node/block rather than the entire network when anything goes wrong.
  • There is no on−chain transaction cost with EOS. A smart contract can be executed by staking EOS coins.


Blockchain technology may be extremely complimentary in a future world possibility space encompassing both centralized and decentralized forms. Like any new technology, the blockchain is a concept that first disturbs, but over time it may support the growth of a wider ecosystem that incorporates both old and innovations.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2022


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