What are Some Things You Dislike About Java?


Java is a widely-used programming language that has been around for more than two decades. It is known for its portability, security, and robustness; however, it also has some drawbacks that are worth mentioning. Here are some of the things that some developers dislike about Java −

  • Verbosity − Java code can be verbose, meaning that it requires a lot of lines of code to accomplish simple tasks. This can make the code difficult to read and understand, especially for beginners. It is also sometimes harder to write concise and elegant code in Java when compared to other languages.

  • Performance − Java's performance can be slower compared to other languages, such as C++. It is primarily because Java code is interpreted at runtime, whereas C++ code is compiled. It means that C++ code runs faster because it has been optimized for the specific machine it is running on.

  • NullPointerExceptions − Java's handling of null values can be a source of frustration for developers. The NullPointerException is a common error in Java, which occurs when a null value is accessed without proper checks. It can lead to unexpected behavior and difficult-to-debug errors.

  • Type Erasure − Java uses type erasure, which means that the type information of generics is removed at runtime. It can lead to some limitations when working with generic types, such as not being able to pass the type as an argument to a method.

  • Concurrency − Java's concurrency support is based on the thread model, which can be difficult to use, especially for developers who are not familiar with it. Concurrent programming can be error-prone, and it's easy to introduce race conditions or deadlocks in Java code.

  • Punctuation − Java syntax makes use of characters like curly braces ({,}), semicolon (;), square brackets ([,]) etc. It becomes difficult for the developer to writing down correctly. There are many other languages which do not use these characters.

How to Avoid the Above Drawbacks?

Still, Java remains a widely-used programming language, & it's important to note that most of these drawbacks can be mitigated with proper design and implementation.

  • Mitigate Verbosity − To mitigate the verbosity of Java code, developers can use design patterns, such as the builder pattern, to make the code more readable and maintainable. Additionally, using a code formatter and linter can help to keep the code consistent and easy to read.

  • Improve Performance − To improve performance, developers can use JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, which can optimize the code at runtime. Additionally, developers can use profiling tools to identify and optimize performance bottlenecks in the code.

  • Avoid NullPointerExceptions − To avoid NullPointerExceptions, developers can use null-safe libraries, such as the Apache Commons Lang library, which provides utility methods for dealing with null values. Additionally, developers can use the Java 8 Optional class to handle null values more elegantly. Most importantly they should be aware about the code which they are writing and where the null pointer exception may come and doing the proper null check handle.

  • Mitigate the limitations of Type Erasure − To mitigate the limitations of type erasure, developers can use the Java Reflection API to access type information at runtime. Additionally, developers can use the Gson library to serialize and deserialize generic types.

  • Improve Concurrency − To improve concurrency support, developers can use the Executor framework, which provides a higher-level abstraction for working with threads. Additionally, developers can use java. util.concurrent package, which includes several classes and interfaces for concurrent programming.

  • Proper Punctuation − To improve your punctuation in Java syntax, always use good IDEs (Integrated Development Environment). IDEs help in identifying improper punctuations in your code as per syntax and highlight it. So that a programmer/developer can easily notice it and put it done. So that you can avoid compilation errors.

Despite these drawbacks, Java remains a widely-used programming language and has a large developer community that continues to improve it. One of the reasons for its popularity is its wide range of libraries and frameworks that can be used to develop various types of applications, such as web applications, mobile applications, and enterprise applications. Additionally, Java has a large number of open-source libraries that can be used to solve common programming problems, such as data access, logging, and unit testing.

Another reason for its popularity is its platform independence. Java code can run on any platform that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which means that Java applications can be run on a wide range of devices, including desktops, servers, and mobile devices. It makes it a great choice for developing applications that need to run on multiple platforms.

Furthermore, Java also has a strong security model that makes it a good choice for developing applications that handle sensitive data. Java's security model includes features such as sandboxing and code signing, which helps to protect the application and the user's data from malicious attacks.

In addition, the Java language is constantly evolving, Java has undergone multiple updates and improvements over the years, the latest version of Java is Java 15 which was released in September 2021 & it brings new features & improvements, such as hidden classes and records, which can help developers to write more concise, readable, and efficient code.


In conclusion, Java is a widely-used programming language that has been around for more than two decades. It is known for its portability, security, and robustness. Despite some drawbacks, it remains a popular choice among developers due to its wide range of libraries and frameworks, platform independence, strong security model & constant evolution. Java is a versatile language that can be used to develop a wide range of applications and it continues to be widely adopted by developers.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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