What are Some Cool Java Debugging Tips?

The process of writing a set of instructions that show a computer how to carry out a task is known as programming. Furthermore, debugging is one of the most crucial aspects of programming.

Debugging helps in figuring out why an operating system, application, or software is acting improperly. Because humans make mistakes, so do developers. It is not true that anything you create will function well and be bug-free. But it is your duty as a developer or programmer to fix any problems in the written code.

There are different debugging approaches available. Those are

  • Backtracking

  • Brute Force Method

  • Program Slicing

  • Cause Elimination Method etc.

Process of Debugging

There are different ways to identify the exact error, reason behind error, how to solve the error and test it. Below are some steps involved in debugging.

  • Identify error location

  • Analyse error

  • Identify root cause of error

  • Think and implement a solution

  • Test and Validate the fix

As a Java developer, debugging is an essential part of the software development process. It allows you to identify and fix bugs in your code, improve the performance of your applications, and ensure that your code is working as intended. However, debugging can often be a time-consuming and frustrating task.

Let’s explore some cool Java debugging tips that can help you to debug your code more efficiently and effectively.

Debugging Tips

Use a good IDE

One of the most essential tools for debugging Java code is a good Integrated Development Environment (IDE). IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA provide a wide range of debugging features, including the ability to set breakpoints, step through code, and inspect variables. They also provide a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate through your code, making it easier to identify bugs.

Use the Java Debugger (JDB)

The Java Debugger (JDB) is a command-line tool that allows you to debug Java applications. JDB gives you a broad range of commands to manage the execution of your code, such as setting breakpoints, stepping through code, and inspecting variables. You can use JDB together with an IDE or independently.

Use the Java Profiler (JProfiler)

JProfiler can optimize the performance of your Java applications by identifying performance bottlenecks, memory leaks, and other performance issues. JProfiler provides detailed information about the memory usage of your application. It includes heap and stack memory usage and can help you to optimize your code for better performance.

Use the Java VisualVM

Use Java VisualVM to visualize the performance of Java applications. It provides a graphical representation of the performance of your application, including CPU usage, memory usage, and the number of threads. Java VisualVM can be used to identify performance bottlenecks and memory leaks and can help you to optimize your code for better performance.

Use Logging

Logging is an essential part of debugging Java applications. It allows you to track the execution of your code and see what is happening behind the scenes. Several logging frameworks, such as log4j and java.util.logging, can be used by Java to add logging to code. By logging important events, exceptions, and variables, you can easily track down bugs and understand what is happening in your application.

Use Remote Debugging

Sometimes, you may need to debug an application that is running on a remote server. In these cases, remote debugging can be very useful. Remote debugging allows you to connect to a remote JVM and debug it as if it were running locally. Start the JVM with the appropriate command-line options and connect to it using a debugger to do this.

Use the System.out.println() Method

The System.out.println() method is a simple and effective way to debug Java code. Use println() to print out the value of a variable or the result of a calculation, but do so sparingly as it can make your code hard to read and maintain.

Use the Assert Statement!

An assert statement is a powerful tool for debugging Java code. It allows you to test for a specific condition. Also, throw an exception if the condition is not met. It can be useful for identifying bugs and ensuring that your code is working as intended.

Use the -Xrunjdwp Option!

Use the -Xrunjdwp option to start the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) agent. This agent allows you to debug a Java application without having to attach a debugger. This can be very useful when debugging applications that are running on a remote server.

Use the -Xdebug Option!

The -Xdebug option is a command-line option that enables the Java Debugging Interface (JDI) in the JVM. It allows you to connect a debugger to the JVM and debug the application. This option is useful when you want to debug a specific part of the code or when you want to debug an application that is running in a production environment.


In conclusion, debugging Java applications can be a challenging task, but by using these cool debugging tips, you can make the process much more efficient and effective. Whether you're using an IDE, a command-line tool, or a combination of both, these tips can help you quickly identify & fix bugs in your code, improve the performance of your applications, and ensure that your code is working as intended.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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