What Are Six Brand Trends to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategies?

Many businesses rely on digital marketing to drive their sales and improve their customer experience. Some of the key trends that will continue to affect digital marketing include the increasing importance of long-form content and the development of new platforms such as chatbots and voice search.

New digital marketing trends include Google's push for a future without cookies. Despite the various marketing principles that have remained the same over time, the tools that businesses use to achieve their goals have changed significantly.

As technology continues to evolve, it is important that entrepreneurs and small business owners keep up with the latest trends. They can then take advantage of these to achieve their goals and improve their marketing efforts. This article aims to provide digital marketers and small business owners with the necessary information to make informed decisions when it comes to their marketing efforts.

How Do I Decide Which Digital Marketing Strategies to Use?

The type of technology that you should use in your business depends on the needs of your customers and the requirements of your organization. If you are not knowledgeable about the technology and are only following a trend because other companies are, then you might be better off not adopting it.

Despite the technological advancements that have occurred in the past few years, small and medium-sized businesses still need to prioritize their technology needs in order to grow their business.

Before you start implementing technology, it is important that you first identify the key factors that will help you improve the efficiency of your organization. These include who your target audience is, how it will help you close your business gaps, and how you will be able to sustain it.

Data Analytics is Provisioning Meaningful Insights

Despite the increasing number of brands making data analytics a priority, many marketers still have a long way to go in terms of reaching their goals. Curtis Tingle, who used to be the head of product for Valassis, said that there are still a lot of challenges that marketers need to overcome.

According to Curtis, marketers need to learn how to use the data they collect to improve their marketing efforts. Since customers are constantly sharing their personal information with companies, they are looking for ways to receive more personalized ads and bargains.

Despite the increasing number of companies making data analytics a priority, many marketers still have a long way to go in terms of reaching their goals. One of the most important factors that businesses need to consider is the quality of the data they collect.

The current trends in data analytics include the use of predictive models, the rise of edge computing, and hybrid computing. Machine-learning-based solutions will also be used to improve decision-making and business management.

Social Media is Continuously Evolving

The importance of social media platforms is acknowledged by digital marketers. There are over 4.26 billion people globally who use these platforms, and by 2027, this number is expected to grow even more. It is expected that social media will continue to remain a vital part of any digital marketing campaign.

As social media continues to evolve, brands will need to adapt to keep up with the changes and remain relatable to their target audiences. This can be done through the use of tools that help them analyze and improve their social media efforts.

The rise of micro-influencers on social media will continue. They will continue to gain popularity due to their niche focus.

Authentic Content is Still the most Valuable Asset

The trend toward long-form educational content is expected to continue in content marketing. This is because when Google's helpful content update was released late last year, it demonstrated how valuable these types of content can be. The best content will provide users with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

One of the most effective ways to build brand awareness is by sharing topics that are relevant to your customers. This can help build trust and encourage people to think about buying from you. Whether it's a blog post, an email blast, or a social media post, ensure that you're able to strike a balance between providing valuable advice and highlighting your products.

Chatbots and AI are all Over the Place

As the evolution of more sophisticated AI and chatbots continues, small businesses will be able to easily access these tools, which can answer customer inquiries at any time of the day or night.

The emergence of ChatGPT shows that the age of AI marketing is already here. Small businesses will be able to take advantage of these tools to improve their customer service and generate marketing copy.

According to Joe Penick, a former marketing executive at Lumen Technologies, AI-powered chatbots can help expand a company's contact strategy and improve customer support. They can also collect and analyze customer data to improve a customer's experience.

A report released by the revenue acceleration platform Drift revealed that 42 percent of consumers use chatbots and artificial intelligence for purchases. However, most small businesses aren't using these tools.

MetaVerse is on its way

The metaverse is a futuristic blend of AI, VR, and AR that creates a new 3D experience that lets users immerse themselves in the digital world. Although the technology initially struggled to catch on, most companies will start adopting it as it improves.

Some examples of this technology include interactive ads that appear in virtual reality on platforms such as Roblox. Players can create their own virtual avatars that they can use to experience certain games without actually buying anything. This has led the marketing industry to the term "gamevertising," which refers to the use of gaming as a tool for advertising.

Retail brands are also using augmented reality to create shopping experiences that are interactive and blended. For instance, they can allow customers to try on clothes or live in a certain geographical area through their avatars.

Diversity and Inclusion are now Imperatives

Due to the increasing number of companies talking about their DE&I policies, it is becoming more important that they include these in their marketing campaigns. In addition to being able to create effective and diverse marketing campaigns, DE&I also plays a vital role in the design and marketing of advertisements.

A study conducted by Adobe revealed that consumers who see diverse marketing campaigns are more likely to purchase products from the brands that do. According to the study, 61 percent of consumers value the diversity of advertising and marketing, and 38 percent of them would buy from a company that has diverse marketing campaigns.

The study also noted that Gen Z values the diversity of marketing and advertising. They expect brands to actively participate in social equity discussions.


The goal of marketing is to connect with your target audience, and that is constantly changing. When developing and launching a campaign, consider the various technology trends that are shaping the way people consume and interact with content. By utilizing the latest tools, you can ensure that your campaign will resonate with your audience and gain the necessary traction.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023


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