What are plagiarism tools and which is best to use?

Plagiarism is the process of infringement which means presenting other’s work as one’s own. This is mostly done in the content field. The information from web pages, articles, blogs, books etc. is often copied by some to present it as their own work. As the process of content publishing online is increasing day-by-day there are many chances of having copied content, which can be either video, text or images.

Google it

Plagiarism tools help us identify that copied content. Usually, when we check on google to know whether this is genuine content, the copied part is immediately highlighted with the pages displaying from where it is taken. Google helps you to check a set of 32 words from your content at once. The sources of those first 32 words you paste in the google search bar will be displayed in a fraction of seconds.

There are certain free tools available in the market which detect this plagiarized content. Some popular ones are

  • Small Seo tools
  • Paper rater
  • Plagium

But there is a certain word limit for each tool according to which you need to submit the text for checking plagiarism. For example, if you have a 1000-word limit and you need to check 3000 words, then divide your content into three parts and copy-paste to check out.

Paid plagiarism tools

When your website works on content marketing, you should have better results to check the plagiarized content. These tools will be very handy for you in that case. But for effective results, it is always better to go with premium tools.

There are certainly paid tools to check plagiarism, such as

  • Plagiarism Checker X
  • Grammarly
  • ProWritingAid

There are many others such as Copyscape, Dustball, Turnitin, Unplug etc. which perform really well. You might find one tool better than the other based on your needs. Copying one’s content is not at all an acceptable task and that can be checked and arrested with the help of these tools.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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