What are Acceptance Criteria in Agile Methodologies

As anyone who has worked in software development knows, agile methodologies have taken the industry by storm in recent years. And with good reason – agile methods have been shown to be far more effective than traditional waterfall approaches in delivering working software quickly and efficiently.

But many people don't realise that acceptance criteria play a critical role in making agile methodology work.

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria are a set of conditions that a software product must satisfy to be accepted by the customer. In other words, they define what "done" looks like.

Without well-defined acceptance criteria, it would be very difficult for agile teams to know when they have completed a user story or sprint goal. This article will discuss the importance of acceptance criteria and provide tips on how to write effective ones.

Importance of Acceptance Criteria

It is important to remember that acceptance criteria are not a wishlist for features but rather a set of conditions that a software product must satisfy in order to be accepted by the customer.

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing effective acceptance criteria.

  • First, they should be clear and concise.

  • Second, they should be testable so that you can easily determine whether or not the software product meets the criteria.

  • Finally, acceptance criteria should be achievable, meaning that they should not be so unrealistic that it would be impossible for the software product to meet them.

How to Write Effective Acceptance Criteria?

Acceptance criteria are an important part of agile software development. They are a set of conditions that a software product must meet in order to be accepted by the customer.

In order for acceptance criteria to be effective, they must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They should also be written from the user's perspective, testable, achievable within the sprint, and written before development begins.

Let's take a closer look at each of these aspects −

  • Specific − Acceptance criteria should be specific and clearly defined. They should leave no room for interpretation.

  • Measurable − Acceptance criteria should be quantifiable to clarify when they have been met.

  • Achievable − Acceptance criteria should be achievable within the timeframe of the sprint. If they are not achievable, they need to be reconsidered or rewritten.

  • Relevant − Acceptance criteria should be relevant to the goal of the sprint and aligned with the product backlog.

  • Time-bound − Acceptance criteria should have a timeframe associated with them to clarify when they need to be met.

  • From the user's perspective − Acceptance criteria should be written from the user's or customer's perspective. This ensures that they focus on what is important to the user.

  • Testable − Acceptance criteria need to be testable so that you can verify that they have been met.

  • Achievable within the sprint − As we mentioned before, acceptance criteria should be achievable within the timeframe of the sprint. This means that they need to be realistic and not overly ambitious.

Written before development begins: It is important that acceptance criteria are written before development begins so that everyone is clear on what needs to be achieved.

Example of Acceptance Criteria

An example of an acceptance criterion is that the software must be able to handle X number of transactions per second. Another example might be that the software must be compatible with a certain operating system.

Acceptance criteria must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound to be considered SMART. For instance, an acceptance criterion might state that the software must be able to handle 1,000 transactions per second within 2 seconds by the end of the sprint.

It is important to involve customer or business representatives in the definition of acceptance criteria. This ensures that the requirements are accurately aligned with what the customer or business wants and needs. Furthermore, all acceptance criteria should be testable prior to development commencing. This allows any potential errors to be found and fixed early on before they cause major problems later.

Acceptance criteria should cover both functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements detail what a system is supposed to do, whereas non-functional requirements place restraints on how it does it (e.g., performance standards). An example of a non-functional requirement would be that the software must be able to run on a certain type of hardware.


The importance of acceptance criteria in agile methodologies cannot be understated. They provide a clear set of conditions that a software product must satisfy to be accepted by the customer. Additionally, well-written acceptance criteria can help ensure that development teams build the right product.

Acceptance criteria are vital to agile methodologies and should not be overlooked. By writing clear and concise acceptance writing to ensure that they are building the right product for their customers.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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