What actually made Apple a trillion dollar company?

It’s been now 42 years when Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple Inc with a promise to keep revolutionizing lives and they have kept their promise too brilliantly until now. This is why they have done what other companies only wish to achieve. Congratulations Apple for setting another benchmark and bringing a significant change to the society through cutting-edge tech inventions.

However, it was never easy. Check out the story of infinite passion, nerve-wracking struggle, and the never yielding self-will.

  • Many people believe that Apple was founded only by Steve. Well, the reality is here. Apple was founded by three friends Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April 1976 to develop and sell Wozniak’s Apple I, a personal computer. Interestingly, Apple was started on April fool’s day.

  • Before founding Apple, Steve jobs used to work for Atari.

  • Steve Jobs and co-founder Steve Wozniak who share the same name “Steve” met when Jobs and Wozniak were 16 and 21 years old respectively.

  • Steve and Wozniak worked day and night to create their dream computer. This when they enjoyed a light moment after an exhausting day.

  • It is believed that Apple was founded in a garage. However, Apple was founded at a bedroom in 1161 Crest Drive located in Los Altos.

  • In 1976, Apple’s logo was designed with Isaac Newton seated under an Apple tree.

  • Till now, we have witnessed a significant change in its logo.

  • Rob Janoff designed Apple’s current logo.

  • The first mouse and trackpad were introduced by Apple.

  • This is Apple’s first computer. It was sold for $666.66.

  • The Apple I has been the best selling computer as it sold for 11 years.

  • 91 percent of PCs that have a price tag of over $1000 sold are produced by Apple.

  • The very first Apple stores were opened in California and Virginia.

  • Apple once came up with Pippin which was a stand-alone game console.

  • According to statistics, individuals who own an average PC spend 50 hours and year troubleshooting while a person who owns a Mac will only spend 5 hours a year troubleshooting.

  • “Dulcimer” was the code name used to refer to the iPod.

  • There have been different codenames used for Macs which include: Yikes, Gonzo, Jedi, Peter Pan, Malibu and Rosebud.

  • For the first time since 1989, Apple’s market cap overtook Microsoft’s market cap in 2010.

  • November 10, 1997, was the day that Apple’s online store began.

  • Apple produced Macs can last up to 6 years while the average PC lasts 4 years.

  • Steve Jobs was able to convince PepsiCo’s president to work for Apple.

  • Apple has been operating retail store business since 2001.

  • As much as the iPhone was released 3 years before the iPad, Apple began working on a touch-screen tablet before they started working on the iPhone.

  • January 2007 saw Apple stop using the name “computer” in its corporate affairs.

  • iTunes is one of the biggest music downloading platforms and is also one of the biggest income generators for Apple.

  • Apple’s official website is one of the highest ranked websites in the world as it is ranked in the top 50 most viewed websites in the world and top 30 in the United States.

  • The Apple smartwatch is the most expensive smartwatch in the market selling at $349.

  • Apple now has over 40,000 employees around the world.

  • In the early 2000’s, Apple’s stocks used to go for $8 but in 2010 the stocks sold for $272.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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