Webmin Alternatives

What is Webmin?

Webmin is a system administration tool that can be accessed through a web browser. it is used to administer UNIX and Linux systems, servers, and services. Many things in the operating system can be configured through this app. Some of them include users, disk quotas, configuration files, and many more. The platform can also be used to make changes in different open-source apps like BIND DNS Server, PHP, Apache HTTP Server, etc.

Why Webmin alternatives?

Webmin has security issues and it is necessary to install frequent updates

  • Less number of features are available

  • Additional repositories are necessary to install Webmin

  • Installation is difficult

How to choose a Webmin Alternative?

Webmin has many features and some of them are highlighted here −

  • User accounts can be created, modified, and deleted

  • Files and folders can be shared with other Linux systems

  • Disk space can be managed by setting disk quotas

  • Software packages can be installed and removed

  • IP address and DNS settings can be changed

Top 10 Webmin Alternatives

There are many alternatives to Webmin and some of them have been discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 – Proxmox Virtual Environment

Proxmox Virtual Environment is an open-source platform which can be used for virtualization and a replacement for Webmin. The app can be used to run virtual machines and appliances. The platform has the ability to integrate with LXC containers and KVM hypervisor. It is a lightweight platform which provides security through two-factor authentication.

Alternative 2 – Cyberpanel

Cyberpanel is considered as one of the best alternatives to Webmin. The platform can be used to manage and maintain Servers that are running the Ubuntu operating system. It uses OpenSpeedLite as a web server instead of Apache. Users have the option of hosting a lot of websites with PHP options, free cache plugins, and QUIC.

Alternative 3 – MyKinsta

MyKinsta is another popular alternative to Webmin. It is a custom-built hosting platform that can be used to host a lot of websites. It is easy to manage all your websites as you can do so through a central location. You can assign permissions to users You can bring your website from a local to the live server and vice versa. The platform provides robust security through different features and you can also enhance the performance of your website.

Alternative 4 – ZPanel

ZPanel is an open-source web hosting platform that can be used as a replacement for Webmin. The platform is compatible with major operating systems like MacOS, Linux, and Windows. Security is provided by the platform through PHP. You can easily convert your home or business server to a web server with the help of an advanced management solution.

Alternative 5 – CloudPanel

CloudPanel is a free alternative to Webmin. It is a hosting panel which users can use easily through its user-friendly interface. The platform has the ability to support different PHP versions It can also be integrated with different databases like MySQL. Analytics is also provided regarding CPU usage, load average, resource consumption, etc.

Alternative 6 – DirectAdmin

DirectAdmin is a powerful Webmin alternative which comes with a lot of hosting features that can be used at an affordable and competitive price. A 60-day trial for the platform is also available. The user interface can be easily navigated. The dashboard homepage will display all the hosting information which will include domain status, databases, hosting resource usage, and many more.

Alternative 7 – AApanel

AApanel is another free alternative to Webmin. The app can be installed on different versions of Ubuntu. Web services like PHP, Database, Apache, etc. can be easily managed through this platform. The features of the app can be enhanced with the help of extensions. Containers can be created with the help of Docker.

Alternative 8 – Ajenti

Ajenti is a lightweight software which can be used as a substitute for Webmin. This is a lightweight app as it uses 30MB of RAM and 75MB of disk storage space. The app is compatible with Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, Gentoo, and CentOS. The platform comes with many tools like text editor, terminal, code manager, file manager, and many more.

Alternative 9 – VestaCP

VestaCP is an open-source alternative to Webmin. VestaCP comes with firewall which can be either iPTables or fail2banIt supports different web servers like Nginx, Apache, PHP, and PHP-fm. The platform also consists of many monitoring tools like Webalizer, Monit, AWStats, and RRDtool.

Alternative 10 – Virtualamin

Virtualamin is another free alternative to Webmin. It is a free web hosting platform that also supports cloud control panels. The Perl language is used to develop the platform Tow-way authentication is supported to provide security. The operating systems that the platform is compatible with are Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, and Debian.


Webmin is a system administration tool which can be used to administer servers working on UNIX and Linux. Its installation is difficult and compared to competitors, it has less features. Due to all these drawbacks, people look for Webmin alternatives like Virtualamin, Cyberpanel, DirectAdmin, and many more.

Updated on: 26-Sep-2023


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