Ways to Map and Monitor Cyber Threats

What are Cyber Threats?

Computers and the Internet have become inseparable parts of lives in multiple spheres. The booming technologies of the modern age have made our life much easier and more connected across the globe via interconnected networks. The gadgets we use are used to store personal information, online banking, online shopping, social media, etc. Even though this makes our lives easier, there come many challenges and threats associated with this, known as cyber threats.

There's something for everyone, from infrastructure infiltrations and security breaches to viral phishing and brute force. When seeking a target, online dangers are diverse, and they don't discriminate between companies and individuals.

A cyber or cybersecurity threat is a harmful act that aims to harm data, steal sensitive data, or otherwise impair online life. Infected computers, data leaks, and Denial of Service (DoS) assaults are examples of cyber-threats.

Trusted users within a company can pose a cyber-threat, as can unknown parties from remote locations. Security breaches and the data theft that can occur are something that no firm is immune to. Some cyberattacks are capable of destroying computer systems.

Among the most frequent cyber risks are −

  • Malware
  • Spyware
  • Phishing attack
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attacks
  • Ransomware
  • Advanced persistent threats
  • Trojans
  • Data destruction, etc.

Ways to Map and Monitor Cyber Threats

The word 'cybersecurity monitoring' refers to the process of identifying cyber risks. Detecting data breakdowns is also essential. It is critical to see cyberattacks in advance, even before committing any damage, responding to threats.

Monitor the weaknesses that have been linked to threats or dangers, systems in a state of emergency due to malware. Discover the threats and remedies as a result. How? By looking at your network. You may also reduce your cyber risk by assessing your cyber risk. This is unquestionably a helpful cybersecurity monitoring tool.

Threat information, precisely threat maps, is a powerful tool to make threats and attacks tangible when cyberattacks occur worldwide and around the digitally connected world.

A cyber threat map, sometimes known as a 'cyber-attack map', is a live map of current computer security attacks. One of the most well-known was leaked by Norse and quickly went viral, including among non-hackers.

Threat mapping depicts the millions of cyberattacks that occur every day. In addition to displaying attacks, cyber threat maps can include many contexts, such as source and targetnations, threat kinds, and past and real-time threat data.

The map itself resembles a massive game of laser tag. Light beams of various colors shoot over a black screen, indicating where an attack originates and where it is headed. When it initially came to the public's attention, audiences were enthralled as they saw hackers battle cyber-war spanning millions of miles.

A cyber-attack happens every 39 seconds. Though some of them are deliberately targeted cyber-attacks, most are botnets dedicated to bringing down major corporations' infrastructures and destroying their computers and systems.

Some cybersecurity professionals are of the view that these maps aren't informative and are only used as a marketing device by cybersecurity solution companies. Other experts, however, argue that while threat maps have no legitimate purpose for preventing assaults, they can be used to research previous attack tactics, identify original data behind DDoS attacks, or even communicate disruptions to their client base on specific dates and times.

Threat maps come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some show a large amount of data, while others offer only a tiny amount of data to confine the focus. When depicting attacks, specific threat maps employ a different time frame, such as close to real-time or historical.

Kaspersky's cyber danger map might be the most nuanced engagement and visual impact. It's also mobile-friendly, allowing you to present it to external users from any location. If you're looking for specific information, the site will enable you to search for it.

The threat map solution from Fortinet is quite similar to the Norse threat map, which is no longer available. The map also includes a list of threat classifications, intensity, target sites, and visuals.

Other software includes Deteque, Fireeye, Bitdefender, Arbor Networks, Akamai, etc.

How Do Threat Maps Work?

Norse, for instance, had a global threat intelligence network with over 8 million detectors and 'honeypots' in 47 nations. Using these techniques, hundreds of apps and systems that are popular targets for hackers were impersonated.

Whenever an attacker strikes a Norse detector, they think they've broken into a system. Norse compiled data on the hacker's toolkit, particularly their IP address. This information was then displayed on the cyber threat map as data.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2022


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