Voca: The Ultimate Javascript library for String Manipulation

Voca is a JavaScript library that is used for manipulating strings. In this tutorial, we will take multiple examples to show how you can use the different functions available in Voca.

Features of Voca

Before we see all the examples, let's highlight some features that Voca brings to the table −

  • It provides a multitude of functions that can be used to manipulate, query, escape, format strings.

  • It also provides a detailed and searchable documentation.

  • It supports a wide range of environments like Node,js, Safari 7+, Chrome, Firefox etc.

  • It doesn't require any dependencies

How to Install Voca?

Now that we know the features of Voca.js, let's see how you can install it on our local machine. To install Voca, run the following command in the terminal −

npm install voca

Once you run the above command in the terminal, a "package.json" file along with a "package-lock.json" and a "node_modules" folder will be created. Now, we are ready to use Voca functions in our code.

Since we will be talking about a lot of functions of Voca, it's better if we split them into different common categories.

Changing the String Case

The first category of examples that we will explore is the case, in which we change the case of a particular text.

camelCase() Function

The camelCase() function is used when we want to convert a text into its camel case representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log("Input Text -", companyName);
console.log('Camel Case -', v.camelCase(companyName));

To run the above code, first save it with the name "index.js" and then run the following command.

node index.js

It will produce the following output

Input Text - tutorials point
Camel Case - tutorialsPoint

capitalize() Function

The capitalize() function is used when we want to convert a text into its capitalization representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log('Input Text –', companyName);
console.log('Capitalize –', v.capitalize(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input Text – tutorials point
Capitalize – Tutorials point

decapitalize() Function

The decapitalize() function is used when we want to convert a text to its decapitalized representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'Tutorials point';
console.log('Input - ', companyName);
console.log('Decapitalize -', v.decapitalize(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - Tutorials point
Decapitalize - tutorials point

kebabCase() Function

The kebabCase() function is used when we want to convert a text to its kebabCase representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log('Input -', companyName);
console.log('KebabCase -', v.kebabCase(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - tutorials point
KebabCase - tutorials-point

snakeCase() Function

The snakeCase() function is used when we want to convert a text to its snakeCake representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log('Input -', companyName);
console.log('snakeCase -', v.snakeCase(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - tutorials point
snakeCase - tutorials_point

lowerCase() Function

The lowerCase() function is used when we want to convert a text to its lowerCase representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'TUTORIALS point';
console.log('Input -', companyName);
console.log('LowerCase -', v.lowerCase(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - TUTORIALS point
LowerCase - tutorials point

swapCase() Function

The swapCase() function is used when we want to convert a text to its swapCase representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log('Input -', companyName);
console.log('SwapCase -', v.swapCase(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - tutorials point

titleCase() Function

The titleCase() function is used when we want to convert a text to its titleCase representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log('Input -', companyName);
console.log('TitleCase -', v.titleCase(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - tutorials point
TitleCase - Tutorials Point

upperCase() Function

The upperCase() function is used when we want to convert a text to its upperCase representation. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let companyName = 'tutorials point';
console.log('Input -', companyName);
console.log('UpperCase -', v.upperCase(companyName));

It will produce the following output

Input - tutorials point

Chaining Using Voca

Chaining is when we are able to chain multiple functions one after the another. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let str = 'Tutorials Point is Awesome!';
console.log('Creating a chain object -', v(str).lowerCase().words());
console.log('Chaining and Wrapping -', v.chain(str).lowerCase().words().value());

It will produce the following output

Creating a chain object - [ 'tutorials', 'point', 'is', 'awesome' ]
Chaining and Wrapping - [ 'tutorials', 'point', 'is', 'awesome' ]

Chopping Using Voca

Chopping includes string manipulation functions like charAt(), first(), last(), etc.

charAt() Function

The charAt() function is used when we want to get a character that is present at a particular index. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let thingsILove = 'Formula1-Football-Leetcode-Sleeping';
console.log('Input String -', thingsILove);
console.log('charAt 10th index -', v.charAt(thingsILove, 10));
console.log('charAt 7th index -', v.charAt(thingsILove, 7));

It will produce the following output

Input String - Formula1-Football-Leetcode-Sleeping
charAt 10th index - o
charAt 7th index - 1

first() Function

The first() function is used when we want to extract the first characters from a text. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let thingsILove = 'Formula1-Football-Leetcode-Sleeping';
console.log('Input -', thingsILove);
console.log('first -', v.first(thingsILove));
console.log('first -', v.first(thingsILove, 8));

It will produce the following output

Input - Formula1-Football-Leetcode-Sleeping
first - F
first - Formula1

last() Function

The last() function is used when we want to extract the last characters from a text. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
let thingsILove = 'Formula1-Football-Leetcode-Sleeping';
console.log('Input -', thingsILove);
console.log('last -', v.last(thingsILove));
console.log('last -', v.last(thingsILove, 8));

It will produce the following output

Input - Formula1-Football-Leetcode-Sleeping
last - g
last - Sleeping

Slicing Using Voca

The slice() function is used when we want to extract a slice from the text. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.slice('Delhi', 1));
console.log(v.slice('India', -4));

It will produce the following output


Extracting a Substring Using Voca

The substring() function is used when we want to extract a substring from the text. The last element will also be included. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.substring('Delhi', 3));
console.log(v.substring('India', 2, 4));

It will produce the following output


Count Function in Voca

The count() function is used when we want to count the number of words present in a text. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');

It will produce the following output


Counting the Number of Substrings

The countSubstrings() function is used when we want to count the number of substrings present in a text. Consider the code shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.countSubstrings('India is beautiful. India is huge!', 'India'));

It will produce the following output


Index Functions in Voca

In the index related methods, we will use the indexOf() function that is mainly used when we want to find at what particular index a particular string is present in a text. Consider the example shown below.

console.log(v.indexOf('India', 'n'));
console.log(v.indexOf('India', 'p'));
console.log(v.indexOf('Leetcode', 'e'));

It will produce the following output


Observe that in the second case, the letter "p" is not there in the input string which is searched, hence it returns "-1" as the output.

Insert Function in Voca

The insert() function is used when we want to insert a particular text in between a text. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');

It will produce the following output


It inserted the letter "o" at the position "1" in the given string.

Repeat Function in Vocac

The repeat() function is used when we want to repeat a particular text a number of times. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.repeat('a', 3));

It will produce the following output


Reversing a String Using Voca

The reverse() function is used when we want to reverse a particular text. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');

It will produce the following output


Trimming a String Using Voca

The trim() function is used when we want to trim a particular text from both the left side and the right side of the text. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.trim(' an apple falling too down under '));

In the above example, we can see that there is some extra space (whitespace) present on both the sides of the text and we can remove that with the help of the trim() function available in the Voca package.

It will produce the following output

an apple falling too down under

Checking if a String is Empty

The isEmpty() function is used when we want to check whether a particular text is empty or not. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');

It will produce the following output


It returns "true" as the input string is empty.

Checking if a String is of Numeric Type

The isNumeric() function is used when we want to check whether a particular text is of numeric type or not. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.isNumeric('Hey there'));

It will produce the following output


Checking if a Text is of String Type

The isString() function is used when we want to check whether a particular text is of string type or not. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');

console.log(v.isString('Hey there'));

It will produce the following output


It returns "true" in the first case as the input text is of String type. In the second case, the input text is an Integer type, hence it returns "false".

startsWith Function in Voca

The startsWith() function is used when we want to check whether a particular text begins with a text or not. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.startsWith('Hey there, join us?', 'Hey'));

It will produce the following output


The input string starts with the substring "Hey", hence it returns "true".

endsWith Function in Voca

The endsWith() function is used when we want to check whether a particular text ends with a text or not. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.endsWith('Hey there, join us?', 'us?'));

It will produce the following output


Here, we are checking whether the input string ends with the substring "us?". It returns "true" as the input string indeed ends with the given substring.

includes() Function in Voca

The includes()

function is used when we want to check whether a particular text contains a specified text inside it or not. Consider the example shown below.

const v = require('voca');
console.log(v.includes('Hey there, join us?', 'oin'));

It will produce the following output


Here, the input string contains the given substring "oin", hence it returns "true".


In this tutorial, we used several examples to demonstrate how you can utilize some of the popular string manipulation functions of Voca.

Updated on: 11-Oct-2022


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