Visual TimeTable using pdfschedule in Python

Python, with its versatility and simplicity, has become a language of choice for developers and enthusiasts across various domains. When it comes to managing schedules and organizing tasks, Python offers a multitude of libraries that can simplify the process. One such library is pdfschedule, a powerful tool that allows us to create visually appealing timetables in PDF format.

In this article, we will explore the capabilities of pdfschedule and learn how to harness its potential to create stunning visual timetables using Python. We will understand how to use a config yml file to generate a weekly timetable.

Visual TimeTable using pdfschedule in Python

In this section, we will walk you through the process of getting started with `pdfschedule`.

To begin, let's install `pdfschedule` using `pip`, the Python package installer. Open your terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

pip install pdfschedule

This command will download and install the `pdfschedule` library along with any necessary dependencies. Once the installation is complete, you're ready to start using `pdfschedule` in your Python projects.

Designing the Visual TimeTable

In this section, we will explore the process of designing the visual timetable using `pdfschedule`.

`pdfschedule` is a versatile library that offers a range of functionalities for creating visual timetables. It provides an intuitive way to define and customize the elements of your timetable, such as days, time slots, and tasks It offers a convenient way to define and configure the visual elements of your timetable using a YAML (YML) file. This approach allows for easy customization and separation of design details from your Python code.

To start, create a YML file, let's say `timetable_config.yml`, and define the structure of your timetable. Here's an example of a basic YML file for a weekly timetable:

- name: Project brainstorming
  days: M
  time: 10:00 - 12:00
  color: "FFB04E"

- name: Team meeting
  days: MTWRF
  time: 14:00 - 15:30

- name: |
    Yoga session
    (Downtown Studio)
  days: M, W, F
  time: 18:00 - 19:00
  color: "29FF65"

- name: Webinar
  days: T
  time: 16:00 - 17:00
  color: "FF84DF"

- name: Personal project
  days: F
  time: 20:00 - 21:30
  color: "000000"

- name: Relaxation time
  days: SatSun
  time: 10:00 - 12:00
  color: "4226C4"

In this example, we defined the tasks with their name, dates, time and color. Plese notice the different methods of representing the days.

To load and generate the timetable using the YML file, we need to execute the following command in the terminal window:

pdfschedule config.yml

This code reads the YML file, creates a timetable object based on the configuration, and generates a PDF file.

You also get various customisations options like:

  • `−C, −−color`: Enables the option to color the event boxes with various colors instead of just grey.

  • `−E TIME, −−end−time TIME`: Allows you to specify the time of day at which each day should start. The time should be specified in the format HH:MM using 24−hour time. The minutes are optional and can be separated from the hour by a colon or period.

  • `−F FONT, −−font FONT`: Sets the font for typesetting the text. The font can be either the name of a built−in PostScript font or the path to a .ttf file. The default font used is Helvetica.

  • `−f SIZE, −−font−size SIZE`: Adjusts the font size used for event information. The SIZE parameter sets the size of the font. By default, the font size is 10. The names of the days of the week are typeset at SIZE * 1.2, and the times of day are typeset at SIZE / 1.2.

  • `−M, −−start−monday`: Changes the first day of the week to Monday instead of Sunday.

These were some of the customisation options. You can go through all the options on the documentation page of pdfschedule library,

We’ve successfully have learned how to define and configure the visual elements of the timetable using `pdfschedule`


In this tutorial, we explored the capabilities of `pdfschedule` and learned how to create stunning visual timetables using Python. Python's versatility and simplicity make it a popular choice for developers and enthusiasts in various domains. When it comes to managing schedules and organizing tasks, `pdfschedule` offers a powerful tool that allows us to create visually appealing timetables in PDF format. By following the steps outlined here, you now have the knowledge and tools to design and create your own visual timetables using `pdfschedule`. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and make your schedules come to life!

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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