Virtual Private Server (VPS) vs. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Although a VPN and a VPS may sound similar, however, they are two distinct technologies with nothing to do with one another. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is essentially a type of web hosting. Whereas, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service and technology that allows you to stay entirely private and anonymous online. Despite the fact that they are entirely separate services, they are sometimes grouped together due to their names. It's really simple to get these two terms mixed up, especially if you're new to the Internet.

What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

Before we can begin our comparison, we must first define VPS hosting and explore how it differs from other platforms. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, as we explained in the beginning. It's a web hosting service provided by hosting providers to host your website on a virtual server. If that's still unclear, we'll break it down even more.

A server is a computer that stores files and data for a website. When you put a domain name into your browser, it talks with the server and displays all of the site files stored on the server. Dedicated hosting, shared hosting, managed to host, WordPress VPS hosting, cloud hosting, and other types of web hosting are all available.

VPS hosting splits a single physical server into numerous virtual servers using virtualization technologies. As a result, you'll have more access to server resources, as well as the option to scale up the virtual server as needed. You're not bound by the limits of a single physical server because it's a virtual server. You won't be sharing server resources with other users because it's a private server environment.

Now you'll be sharing actual physical servers, but thanks to the virtualization technology in place, there won't be any server utilization overlap.

Advantages of a VPS

Following are some of the prominent advantages of using a VPS −

  • Scalability - You may quickly expand your resources by adding extra disc space, RAM, or cores. Similarly, if you see that your needs have altered, you may scale down.

  • Cost-effectiveness - Because you share the server with other customers, VPS hosting is substantially less expensive than dedicated hosting because you have complete control over your virtual server.

  • Performance - Your site's performance may suffer if you don't use a VPS infrastructure. If you share server space with other websites and they have a sudden surge in traffic, your site may be affected. Because your server space is completely separated from other customers, even if they're on the same physical server, you receive the speed you paid for with a VPS.

  • Control - Having a virtual private server provides you control and personalizes your server as you like. You don't need to consult your hosting provider to install software, open ports, or add functionality.

Disadvantages of VPS Hosting

Following are the drawbacks of using VPS Hosting −

  • It is pricier in comparison.

  • If you're used to shared hosting, you should be aware that VPS is more expensive.

  • Dedicated hosting is more expensive.

  • Your entire resource requirements, however, will decide the pricing.

  • It's reasonable in general, but you'll have to pay a larger monthly fee.

  • You may run into challenges with resource allocation in some circumstances. This occurs when another site on a VPS consumes an excessive amount of physical server resources, causing your site's performance to suffer. However, if you're utilizing a low-quality VPS provider, this is more likely to happen.

When Should I Use a VPS?

After your site has surpassed the limitations of a simple shared hosting plan, a VPS is a frequent next step. It's a good compromise for individuals who don't want to switch to an entire dedicated server, yet you'll require a specialized server configuration. You have control over your server environment with a VPS server. Not only will you have root server access, but you'll also be able to select your operating system and make other changes.

You require adaptable server resources. You may more quickly scale up your server resource demands with VPS hosting when your site expands, or you experience a high level of traffic. It's considerably easier to extend your resource requirements because you're not limited to a single physical server.

So, what is the significance of VPS hosting?

  • VPS hosting is for you if you need speed and efficiency.

  • If your site is becoming more prominent and receiving more traffic, you'll need a hosting package that can keep up.

  • VPS hosting is scalable, meaning it can handle large, high-traffic websites.

What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

A VPN creates a private and secure network that extends throughout your entire network connection. It helps you to remain anonymous while sending and receiving data over the Internet.

Your VPN will automatically encrypt any data transferred over a network connection after you've started your VPN program. Data must first transfer through the VPN before sending via a network connection. The VPN will then encrypt and route the traffic.

On whatever Internet page you view, the transferred data will come from the VPN server, not from your home (or coffee shop) network.

When you use the Internet without a VPN, whatever data you send is vulnerable to anybody with the right tools. This will suffice for the most part. Even so, if you're transferring sensitive data like banking information, emails, or anything else, you may want to add an extra layer of protection.

When you use a VPN, all of your data is sent directly from your ISP to the VPN server, which then connects you to the Internet. Many of the most common security dangers you'll face online are mitigated or eliminated as a result of this.

While using a VPN, for example, it's hard to reconnect your computer to any data you're sending. All of your data will be encrypted, meaning that if it is intercepted, no one will be able to decipher it.

Advantages of Using a VPN

Following are some of the advantages of using a VPN −

  • Encrypts Traffic for Safety - A VPN encrypts your traffic, ensuring your safety no matter where you are. If you use public Wi-Fi frequently, a VPN is necessary, as these networks are commonly targeted by hackers and thieves. You won't have to worry about unprotected hotspots revealing your personal information if you have a VPN installed on your device.

  • Privacy - Data about your surfing activities is collected by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), data brokers, and online advertising, and you never know who has access to it. A VPN will protect your activities and IP address from prying eyes, allowing you to keep your surfing habits secret.

  • Unrestricted Access - There are some nations that have strict Internet regulations, block websites, and restrict what their residents may access. You may use the Internet for free without any restrictions if you use a VPN.

  • User friendly - It's simple to use. While a virtual private network may appear to be something only IT experts can set up, you are not required to do so. Install the app, create an account, and connect to a server with a single click.

Disadvantages of Using a VPN

Although utilizing a VPN is an excellent way to secure oneself online, however, it does have disadvantages.

  • Slows Down Internet Connectivity - Because a VPN encrypts your data with numerous levels of encryption, it slows down your Internet connection. This might make your Internet connection useless if you already have a sluggish Internet connection.

  • Security vulnerabilities - To get a high level of security, you must configure your VPN appropriately. There have been many instances when DNS and IP breaches have occurred, revealing data that was previously safe.

  • Loss of Connection - Your VPN connection may be lost. Any current anonymity is lost if your VPN connection is lost. Although some VPNs include a kill switch option that disconnects you from the Internet if there is a dip in connection.

When Should I Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

One can surely benefit from utilizing a VPN, especially if your Internet privacy is a concern. When you connect to the Internet, you can use a VPN. Because it works in the background, it won't interfere with your current online activity. However, depending on your connection and the VPN software you're using, it may slow down your Internet speeds.

If any of the following situations apply to you, you should consider utilizing a good VPN −

  • You're looking for a way to get past content barriers. Content on the Internet is censored in several countries. You'll need a technique to get past country-specific bans while keeping anonymous online to access this material.

  • You may use a VPN to bypass nation geo-restrictions on streaming material like Netflix, in addition to a blocked Internet.

  • You want your data and network connections to be secure. Your Internet connection will be extremely safe if you use a VPN. Any personal information you send on the Internet will be encrypted and kept secret.

  • You wish to keep your Internet identity hidden. Your IP address and other personal information will be completely anonymous because you utilize a VPN IP address.

  • If you're connected to unprotected wireless networks, using public Wi-Fi networks exposes your data to danger. If you use Wi-Fi outside of your house frequently, a VPN will protect your data.


A VPN is a user-oriented technology that allows you to access the web safely and securely. VPS hosting is a service that will enable you to host your website on a virtual space.

The virtualization feature of each service is the only thing that a VPS and a VPN have in common (apart from a similarly related moniker).

Both serve fundamentally distinct purposes, yet you may use both services as a user. If you have a large website, you may utilize VPS hosting to host it. Then, when using the Internet to maintain your site, you may utilize VPN software to safeguard data you send on the Internet. Servers, and virtual private networks work and what they're used for.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2022


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