VDI vs VPN: Which is best for remote workers?

What is VDI?

Virtual Desktop Interfaces (VDI) is a shadow duplicate of the desktop, including the operating system, installed apps, and documents, that is saved and runs fully on the server that hosts it. Because the whole process of running the interface is done at the central server, VDI allows users to view their desktop remotely, frequently from a mobile device.

VDI works by storing operating system preferences, software programmes, documents, and other customised data on a cloud server. In principle, or in an ideal world, the user experience is identical to that of a physical desktop computer.

VDIs were created with the intention of providing worldwide access to desktop computers. They're also employed in the creation of disaster recovery and backup plans. This is accomplished by regularly updating the desktop's data on a remote server and activating the user interface in the event of a system failure.

Advantages of Using VDI

Following are some of the advantages of using VDI −

  • Manageability − Endpoints, such as laptops, mobile devices, and tablets, are considerably easier to manage, maintain, and deploy with VDI. Faults can be resolved remotely from the central station. The IT expert may do upgrades, virus removal, and app deployment from the data centre to the numerous workstations.

  • Flexibility − Without the end-input, user's and administrators can begin updates, installs, and troubleshooting operations. Some tasks, such as virtual desktop generation, will have no impact on end-user productivity while they are being carried out. End users are not tethered to specific hardware in the system, thus new desktops and desktop patches arrive quickly.

  • Accessibility − VDI's remote access allows users to work from any place and on any suitable device. The fact that the complete workforce reports to the office or that appropriate workstations are available will have no impact on the outcome. Workers can also gain access to software that would otherwise be unavailable to them. They are capable of completing jobs rapidly. The firm's security is enhanced via centralised administration.

What is VPN?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private network connection constructed over a public network infrastructure like the Internet.

Authorised VPN users can access their business network remotely using security methods such as encryption and masking the user's IP address. VPNs may also be used to secure personal information when using public Wi-Fi, such as at airports. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), context-aware security techniques, and the usage of strong passwords are all common features of VPN apps.

Advantages of Using VPN

Following are some of the advantages of using VPN −

Protect Your Network

The advantages of utilising a VPN are numerous. One of the most significant is the ability of enterprises to adequately safeguard their network. without your knowledge, software or websites can track your online activities. They can then evaluate the information they have gathered and use it to try to target you with advertisements. Without a VPN, you may see an invasion of pop-up advertising, which can disrupt your surfing experience and be generally annoying.

A VPN can prevent individuals, software, and web browsers from obtaining access to your connection. This ensures that the information you provide and receive is secure and anonymous.

Avoid Data Throttling

Data throttling occurs when you have used up a certain amount of your allotted data and your Internet service provider (ISP) decides to slow down your service. If you have a VPN, you'll quickly discover that one of the perks of VPN is the ability to bypass a data cap, especially because neither your ISP nor your ISP can see how much data you're using. This may be especially useful for employees who must utilise data plans on their mobile devices to access the Internet while on the go.

VDI or VPN − Which is Best for Remote Workers?

In most cases, a VDI system is not superior to a VPN. A VPN is an easy-to-use and vital tool for online protection, and we strongly suggest it to users. VDI is a fantastic B2B option that may be better suited to larger companies. VPN, on the other hand, is definitely a better and more long-term alternative for smaller businesses. It is less expensive and much easier to deploy.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022


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