Valid triangle edges - JavaScript

Suppose, we have three lines of length, respectively l, m and n. These three lines can only form a triangle, if the sum of any arbitrary two sides is greater than the third side.

For example, if the length of three lines is 4, 9 and 3, they cannot form a triangle because 4+3 is less than 9.

We are required to write a JavaScript function that the three numbers represents the length of three sides and checks whether they can form a triangle or not.


Following is the code −

const a = 9, b = 5, c = 3;
const isValidTriangle = (a = 1, b = 1, c = 1) => {
   if(!a || !b || !c){
      return false;
   const con1 = a + b > c;
   const con2 = b + c > a;
   const con3 = c + a > b;
   return con1 && con2 && con3;
console.log(isValidTriangle(a, b, c));


Following is the output in the console −


Updated on: 16-Sep-2020


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