Using xz Compression in Linux


In world of computing, data compression has become a crucial tool in many applications. It is used to reduce size of files, improve transfer speed, and save storage space. Linux operating systems come with a wide range of compression tools, including popular gzip and bzip2. However, there is another compression tool that is becoming increasingly popular in Linux world, and that is xz compression. In this article, we will explore what xz compression is, how it works, and how to use it effectively in Linux.

What is xz Compression?

xz compression is a high-ratio data compression tool that is used to compress files in Linux environment. It was developed by Lasse Collin and is based on LZMA (Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm) compression algorithm. xz compression algorithm has a very high compression ratio, meaning that it can compress files to a much smaller size than other compression tools like gzip and bzip2.

How Does xz Compression Work?

The xz compression algorithm works by breaking input data into small blocks, and then compressing each block independently using LZMA algorithm. compressed blocks are then combined and stored in output file. LZMA algorithm uses a combination of dictionary-based and statistical compression techniques to achieve high compression ratios.

The xz compression tool uses .xz file extension for compressed files. xz format is a container format that supports multiple compression algorithms, including LZMA, BCJ (Branch Target Injection), and Delta.

Using xz Compression in Linux

To use xz compression in Linux, you need to install xz utilities package. Most Linux distributions come with xz package pre-installed. If it's not installed on your system, you can install it using your package manager. Once installed, you can use xz command-line tool to compress and decompress files.

To compress a file using xz, you can use following command −

xz filename

For example, to compress a file named "example.txt" using xz, you can use following command −

xz example.txt

This will compress file and create a new file named "example.txt.xz". original file will be deleted.

To decompress an xz compressed file, you can use following command −

unxz filename.xz

For example, to decompress a file named "example.txt.xz", you can use following command −

unxz example.txt.xz

This will decompress file and create a new file named "example.txt". original compressed file will be deleted.

Using xz Compression with Tar

The xz compression tool can also be used in conjunction with tar utility to create compressed tar archives. Tar is a file archiving utility that is used to combine multiple files into a single archive file. To create a compressed tar archive using xz, you can use following command −

tar -Jcvf archive.tar.xz files...

For example, to create a compressed tar archive of all files in current directory, you can use following command −

tar -Jcvf archive.tar.xz *

This will create a compressed tar archive named "archive.tar.xz" containing all files in current directory.

To extract files from a compressed tar archive, you can use following command −

tar -Jxvf archive.tar.xz

This will extract all files from compressed tar archive.

Using xz Compression with Pipe

The xz compression tool can also be used in combination with pipe (|) operator to compress or decompress data on fly. For example, to compress output of a command using xz and send it to a file, you can use following command −

command | xz > output_file.xz

For example, to compress output of "ls" command and save it to a compressed file named "ls_output.xz", you can use following command −

ls | xz > ls_output.xz

This will compress output of "ls" command and save it to a compressed file named "ls_output.xz".

To decompress data on fly using xz, you can use following command −

xz -d < compressed_file.xz

For example, to decompress a compressed file named "example.txt.xz" and display output on terminal, you can use following command −

xz -d < example.txt.xz

This will decompress file and display output on terminal.

Advanced Usage of xz Compression

In addition to basic usage of xz compression discussed above, there are also several advanced options that you can use to customize compression process. Some of these options are −

Compression Level

The xz compression tool supports different compression levels ranging from -0 (fastest) to -9 (slowest but highest compression ratio). By default, xz uses -6 compression level, which provides a good balance between compression speed and ratio. To specify a different compression level, you can use -z option followed by compression level. For example, to use highest compression level (-9), you can use following command −

xz -9 filename

This will compress file using highest compression level, resulting in a smaller compressed file but at expense of longer compression time.

Memory Usage

The xz compression tool can use a lot of memory during compression process. By default, xz uses maximum amount of available memory to achieve best compression ratio. However, if you have limited memory or if you want to reduce memory usage, you can specify maximum amount of memory to use using --memory option. For example, to limit memory usage to 512 MB, you can use following command −

xz --memory=512M filename


The xz compression tool supports multi-threading, which can significantly improve compression speed on multi-core systems. By default, xz uses a single thread. To enable multi-threading, you can use -T option followed by number of threads to use. For example, to use four threads, you can use following command −

xz -T4 filename

This will use four threads to compress file, resulting in faster compression times.

Integrity Check

The xz compression tool can also perform an integrity check after compression to ensure that compressed file is not corrupted. By default, xz performs an integrity check using CRC32 algorithm. To disable integrity check, you can use -S option followed by none. For example, to disable integrity check, you can use following command −

xz -S none filename

This will compress file without performing an integrity check.


In conclusion, xz compression is a powerful compression tool that can help save storage space, reduce transfer times, and improve performance. It offers a very high compression ratio, making it a popular choice for Linux users. xz compression tool is easy to use and can be used in conjunction with other Linux utilities like tar and pipe to create compressed archives and compress or decompress data on fly. If you're looking for an efficient and effective compression tool for your Linux system, give xz compression a try.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023

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