Using Semaphore to Protect More than One Copy of a Resource in Java

In the domain of concurrent programming in Java, controlling access to shared resources is crucial. This need is often fulfilled through synchronization mechanisms such as locks and monitors. However, these tools typically only protect a single instance of a resource. What if you have multiple copies of a resource and you need to control access to them? This is where Semaphores come into play. In this article, we will delve into the usage of Semaphores to protect more than one copy of a resource in Java.

Understanding Semaphores

Semaphore is a synchronization mechanism that controls access to one or more resources. In essence, a Semaphore maintains a set of permits, and each acquire() call blocks if necessary until a permit is available, and then takes it. Each release() call adds a permit, potentially releasing a blocking acquire

In Java, you can create a Semaphore using the java.util.concurrent.Semaphore class. You specify the number of permits in the Semaphore's constructor:

Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(3); // A Semaphore with 3 permits

Using Semaphore to Protect Multiple Copies of a Resource

Let's say you have a pool of database connections, and you want to ensure that no more than 10 connections are used at a time. You can achieve this by creating a Semaphore with 10 permits −

Semaphore connectionPoolSemaphore = new Semaphore(10);

Before a thread uses a connection, it must acquire a permit from the Semaphore:


And when it has finished using the connection, it must release the permit back to the Semaphore:


In this way, the Semaphore ensures that no more than 10 threads can use a connection at the same time.

Remember, a Semaphore does not protect the resource itself. It only controls the number of permits. It's up to you to use the Semaphore correctly to ensure that the resource is used properly.

Important Considerations when Using Semaphores

While Semaphores are powerful tools, there are certain key points to bear in mind:

Fairness − Java Semaphores can be either fair or unfair. A fair Semaphore guarantees that threads will acquire permits in the order they requested them, while an unfair Semaphore makes no such guarantees. Fairness can be specified in the Semaphore's constructor

Exception handling − The acquire() method of a Semaphore can throw an InterruptedException. You must ensure that this exception is appropriately handled in your

Permit leakage − If a thread acquires a permit but doesn't release it (for example, because of an exception or a programming error), the permit is "lost", reducing the effective number of permits in the Semaphore. You should always use a try-finally block to ensure that permits are released.

try {
   // use the resource
} finally {


Semaphores are an advanced tool for managing concurrent access to multiple copies of a resource in Java. By properly leveraging Semaphores, you can create robust and efficient concurrent applications capable of handling multiple operations simultaneously.

While using Semaphores, keep in mind the importance of fairness, appropriate exception handling, and the prevention of permit leakage. With these best practices in hand, you can avoid common pitfalls and make the most of what Semaphores have to offer.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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