Using MySQL with Apache

Let us understand how to use MySQL wth Apache −

Apache is a web server software which is developed and maintained by Apache software foundation. It is a software that takes requests from user to access a web page.

A few security checks are performed on the HTTP request and then takes the user to the web page. There are many programs that allow authentication of the users from a MySQL database. These programs can also be used to write the log files into a MySQL table.

The Apache logging format can be easily changed into readable mode by using MySQL, and putting the following lines of code into Apache’s configuration file −

LogFormat \
   "\"%h\",%{%Y%m%d%H%M%S}t,%>s,\"%b\",\"%{Content-Type}o\", \

To load a log file in the above mentioned format into MySQL, the statement shown below can be used −

LOAD DATA INFILE '/local/access_log' INTO TABLE tbl_name

The name table should be created to have columns such that they correspond to those of the LogFormat line writes in the log file.

Updated on: 08-Mar-2021

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