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Using Mindfulness Training As A Life Coaching Tool

person icon Brent Dalley


Using Mindfulness Training As A Life Coaching Tool

Finding Your Life Purpose So You Can Live a Life of Significance Requires Continual Review and Life Course Adjustments

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Brent Dalley

English [CC]

category icon Personal Development,Personal Transformation

Lectures -18

Resources -5

Duration -1.5 hours



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Course Description

How to Boost Your Mood with Mindfulness

Increased productivity is always the deliberate intention of many of us for any business we conduct in our lives. A settled, self-motivated and rightful thinking mind forms the best recipe for such successes thus the call for mindfulness. Mindfulness trains you to efficiently embrace the yoga techniques that involves individual meditations and breathing that joins your body and mind. The effect is that which will assist you to manage negative thoughts and instead direct you to think positively.

Benefits of Mindfulness

It may appear to some people to be more spiritual related, many medical-based types of research do confirm its decisive significance regarding human productivity levels. It equips you with an excellent ability that will assist you in handling most situations that come your way at home, at school, at work or whatever your activity is.

Here are some of the top uses of mindfulness that will improve your life.

 Improving your focus – Distractions wastes a lot of. Mindfulness will help you pay full attention to whatever you might be doing by regular and simple meditation practices.

 By Helping you to plan – Mindfulness calls for full focus at present. Your workplace can sometimes get too busy and can seem overwhelming. However, mindfulness will help you breakdown the junk and let you handle one thing at a time while the rest of your worries fall correctly in their places.

 Improving your creativity– According to research carried out at the Leiden University in the Netherlands, those who go by the rules of being mindful tend to be more creative. The practice clears your mind and allows new creative thoughts to flow.

• Increasing your empathy – In case you are wondering how this works, you will learn that mindfulness helps you view things from a better angle. It will assist you to bring the best out of your employees through effective communication, greater understanding and team building activities.

If you are mindful, you will acquire peace maintenance skills necessary for better problem solutions. This can be a very motivating factor to your employees. You will experience greater productivity in the work environment.

• Making you more positive– Being positive in life is a formula that works well for those who choose to embrace it. You will find that being mindful will assist you in overcoming tough and discouraging times and moments. If you think positively, your productivity increases as well since nothing will be weighing you down.

Mindfulness can be the best way to manage your life if you are looking for steady, continual improvement. Besides the beneficial factors and uses discussed above, it is very inexpensive as it needs no equipment. Additionally, it is one activity that you can do anywhere at any time. Give it a try today and experience the magic.

I will help you "Learn What You Stand For" and then how to conduct your life in harmony with your principles.

And, all this is put together in a simple format that you can then use as refresher points to refer to when you are feeling an adjustment to your life is in order.  In other words, your own personal life coach.

There is much, much more so let's get started!   

Give this course the 30 day challenge - jump in and in 30 days you aren't sure you want to improve then ask for your money back.  See, I am confident that if you just learn what you stand for you are on a path that will change you for the good.

Who is this course for?

  • If you are interested in an all around better life then seeking meaning in your life is one of the first steps you should take.  Then, with anything in life worth doing you need a way to follow-up with your progress, making adjustments as needed.


  • After completing this course, you will look at your life in a totally different way.
  • You will have a strong desire within you to make every day count for something good
  • You will look for those things in your life that are meaningless and learn to avoid them
  • You will learn the importance of concentrating on those things that add meaning to your life
  • Since your life is only yours, this course requires you work to determine those things that bring meaning to you not
  • You will learn things that bring meaning to those around you are not so important right now
  • The challenge then is to take the course and you will know what I mean


  • You should have a desire to change the way you feel about yourself and a stronger desire to do something about it.
Using Mindfulness Training As A Life Coaching Tool


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

The Power of Mindfulness in Your Life and How to Use It To Your Benefit
12 Lectures
  • play icon What is Mindfulness 08:23 08:23
  • play icon Let's Deal With Negative Thoughts Right Now 03:05 03:05
  • play icon Some of Us Need Instant Gratification Learn How Here 08:52 08:52
  • play icon Introducing Cognitive Restructuring 02:16 02:16
  • play icon How to Use Cognitive Restructuring in the Real World 11:33 11:33
  • play icon Fear Setting 08:03 08:03
  • play icon Can Stress Be A Positive Thing? 04:39 04:39
  • play icon Tapping Into Your Hidden Powers 05:55 05:55
  • play icon Why You Should Visualize 06:12 06:12
  • play icon The Power of Belief 07:17 07:17
  • play icon Hypothesis Testing 10:51 10:51
  • play icon Mindfulness Meditation Report 09:10 09:10
Bonus Section Using a Journal as Therapy
6 Lectures

Instructor Details

Brent Dalley

Brent Dalley

For the past 22years Brent has owned and operated his own business.

He works from home, writing and producing training courses in personal development, leadership, and personal communications.

He consults and coaches winning teams and team leaders.

He is a personal coach to those seeking to improve their personal life.

With forty years' experience in leadership, he has gained a lifetime’s knowledge and experience.

Throughout his career Brent has received awards in education, sales performance, cost control and asset management, and employee/management relationships.

In his time away from the office he has volunteered as a counselor and coach to countless individuals and couples.

He is married to the same young lady he met 60 years ago and together they have two daughters and one son and 9 grandchildren.

His current interests are mountain biking, hiking and spoiling grandchildren.

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