Using Interquartile Range to Detect Outliers in Data


Data analysis plays a significant part in different areas, counting commerce, back, healthcare, and investigation. One common challenge in data analysis is the nearness of outliers, which are data focuses that essentially deviate from the overall design of the data. These outliers can distort statistical measures and influence the exactness of our examination. Hence, it gets to be imperative to distinguish and handle outliers appropriately. In this article, the user will understand the concept of IQR and its application in identifying outliers in data.

Python Program to Detect Outliers


Step 1 :Calculate the mean and deviation of the dataset.

Step 2 :Compute the Z−score for each information point by finding how numerous standard deviations it is absent from the mean.

Step 3 :Characterize a threshold value to recognize outliers.

Step 4 :Recognize information focuses with Z−scores more noteworthy than the edge; these are considered outliers.

Step 5 :Return the indices or values of the identified outliers for advance investigation or action.


#import the required module
import numpy as np

def detect_outliers(data, threshold=3):
    data = np.array(data)
    mean = np.mean(data)
    std_dev = np.std(data)
    z_scores = abs((data - mean) / std_dev)
    outliers = np.where(z_scores > threshold)[0]
    return outliers.tolist()

# Example usage:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Replace this example dataset with your predefined input
    dataset = [10, 12, 11, 15, 13, 18, 20, 14, 13, 200]
    outliers_indices = detect_outliers(dataset)

    if len(outliers_indices) > 0:
        print("Outliers detected at indices:", outliers_indices)
        print("Outlier values:", [dataset[i] for i in outliers_indices])
        print("No outliers detected in the dataset.")


 No outliers detected in the dataset.

Advantages of Using IQR for Outlier Detection:

  • Robustness: The interquartile extent may be a strong degree, meaning it is less influenced by extreme values compared to other measures. This makes it a dependable strategy for detecting outliers, especially in datasets with critical changeability.

  • Non−parametric: The IQR strategy does not depend on presumptions around the dissemination of the information, making it suitable for both skewed and symmetric datasets. It is especially valuable when managing non−normal information, where other methods may come up short.

  • Straightforward and intuitive: The calculation of IQR and the assurance of outlier boundaries are direct and simple to get it. This makes the strategy open to a wide extend of clients, indeed those without progressed factual information.

Limitations and Considerations

Whereas the IQR strategy may be an important device for outlier detection, it is not without limitations. Here are a few components to consider:

  • Sensitivity to consistent factor: The choice of the constant calculate utilized to characterize the outlier range can affect the number of outliers identified. A little is constant like 1.5 may identify fewer outliers, whereas a larger constant like 3 may capture more extraordinary values. The choice of the steady ought to be based on the specific characteristics of the dataset and the setting of the examination.

  • Taking care of skewed data: The IQR strategy may not be as viable in detecting outliers in profoundly skewed datasets. Skewness can cause the quartiles to be impacted by extraordinary values, potentially leading to the misclassification of outliers. In such cases, elective strategies, such as changing the information or utilizing specialized outlier detection calculations, may be more suitable.

  • Relevant understanding: Outliers ought to not be automatically disposed of or considered wrong without legitimate examination. It is crucial to have space information and context−specific understanding to decide whether an outlier could be a substantial information point or a result of information passage mistakes, estimation issues, or other significant variables. Analyzing outliers can give important experiences into one−of−a−kind designs, inconsistencies, or uncommon occasions inside the data.


The interquartile range may be a valuable measure for detecting outliers in data. By considering the spread of the dataset and employing a consistent calculation, the IQR strategy gives a vigorous and instinctive approach to distinguish potential outliers. However, it is important to consider the restrictions of the strategy and apply them reasonably, taking into account the characteristics of the dataset and the particular setting of the investigation. It is used in conjunction with space information and other outlier discovery methods, the IQR method can essentially improve the exactness and unwavering quality of information examination forms.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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