Using Busy Spinning as Wait Strategy in Java

In the dynamic world of Java programming, achieving optimal performance is often the central goal of developers. In this realm, different wait strategies, including busy spinning, can play a pivotal role. This article aims to provide a detailed understanding of busy spinning as a wait strategy in Java, why it's important, and how it can be efficiently utilized.

Understanding Wait Strategies

In concurrent programming, wait strategies determine how a thread should wait when there is no work available for it. Different wait strategies can drastically impact the performance of concurrent applications. A commonly used approach is blocking, where a thread gives up its processor time and goes to sleep until new work is available. However, waking up a sleeping thread can take a significant amount of time, leading to performance degradation in latency-sensitive applications. Here is where busy spinning comes into play.

Busy Spinning Explained

Busy spinning is a wait strategy where a thread continuously loops (or "spins") until work becomes available. This strategy avoids the latency incurred by thread wake-up at the cost of higher CPU utilization. Busy spinning is best employed in low-latency, high-performance applications where the waiting time for work is typically less than the cost of putting a thread to sleep and waking it up

In Java, you can create a simple busy spin loop like this −

while (!workAvailable()) {

Here, workAvailable() is a method that checks if there is work for the thread. If there is no work available, the thread calls Thread.onSpinWait(), which is a hint to the JVM that it's in a busy spin loop.

The Thread.onSpinWait() Method in Java

Java 9 introduced the Thread.onSpinWait() method, which is specifically designed for busy spinning. When a thread calls this method, it signals the JVM that it's in a busy spin loop. This allows the JVM and the underlying hardware to optimize the execution of the spin loop, for example, by reducing the power consumption or the priority of the spinning thread.

When to Use Busy Spinning

Despite its potential for reducing latency, busy spinning should be used judiciously, as it can lead to high CPU usage. It's best suited for high-performance applications where low latency is critical, and the time spent waiting for work is typically short. Examples might include financial trading systems or high-performance gaming servers.

In contrast, for applications where low CPU usage is more important than low latency, or where threads often have to wait a long time for work, other wait strategies, like yielding or blocking, might be more appropriate.


Mastering different wait strategies, including busy spinning, is crucial for writing efficient concurrent Java applications. Busy spinning can significantly reduce latency in certain scenarios, but it needs to be used with care due to its high CPU usage. The Thread.onSpinWait() method introduced in Java 9 provides a valuable tool for implementing and optimizing busy spin loops in Java.

Remember, the choice of wait strategy should always depend on the specific requirements of your application. Understanding the trade-offs of different wait strategies allows you to make informed decisions and create high-performance, scalable, and efficient applications in Java.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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