Upskilling: The Sure Shot Career Mantra for 2020

Job trends keep changing every year because of the introduction of new realms of life and business around us. This influence is always felt in the job market. While some professions may become extinct many other new and unheard roles plunge in front of us. As it is well known, the only constant thing around us is Change. The way we look at these changes makes all the difference.

When it comes to jobs and career progress, upskilling is the only mantra to deal with change. If you are keen on accomplishing a progressive change for your career in 2020, upskilling is the one main thing that you should focus on. Interestingly, upskilling is not a new trend. Successful professionals across the globe always trusted this secret and strategically implemented this.

We, at TutorialsPoint, have always been a part of helping our learners upskill and move ahead in their careers. All our tutorials are thoughtfully designed to cater to the needs of both beginners and experts. Millions of learners approach our website every day and upskill through our free online tutorials, video tutorials, premium PDF tutorials, and online free coding platform, besides our many other tools.

Either you are a beginner in IT or a professional wishing to move ahead in your career and are looking for guidance about top careers in 2020, our expert team is offering guidance on upskilling and the top courses that are in demand for 2020. So, please move on to know more.

Why upskilling is important for you?

When we say you are upskilling, it means you are learning new skills related to your existing career domain. You must be wondering that when your career is going smooth and you are happy with your current pay and perks, why you should invest your time and money in upskilling! Well, as we said job trends change every year; that too in this digital era the change is so fast-paced that you become outdated quickly if you do not focus on improving your technical skills.

Upskilling offers multiple benefits for you in the long run −

  • Improves your productivity and work quality, showing you in a better light compared to your peers.

  • Boosts your confidence and makes you ever ready for grabbing better opportunities.

  • Expands your professional network and places your profile among a wider range of networking.

  • Widens your horizons and helps you look at the bigger picture of your profession.

What are the ways to upskill?

You can use any of the following approaches to upskill. However, you should consider some factors before you decide on the best method for upskilling −

  • Time – How much time you have to spend on upskilling?

  • Money – Is the upskilling approach pocket-friendly for you?

  • Outcome – What is the exact result you wish to see after upskilling?

Internal Training − You can make use of company-provided training to know more about your technology, process or business.

Seminars and conferences − Attending such events will provide you many insights about your profession. They also provide a chance to meet reputed personalities in your business and thus your professional network expands too.

Classroom training − You could enroll for a course in training centers and learn new technology. This approach may demand a considerable amount of time to commute to classes and attend them in person and hefty money for a fee.

Online Courses − This is the most loved option by professionals as they save time, effort and money in learning new skills. You can enroll in online courses or video tutorials and learn at your own pace and place. Before choosing a website for learning, make sure that the website is proven and trustworthy.

Learning Apps − Most online courses are now in apps too. These help you to track the progress of completion of your course and are the most convenient way to learn on the go.

What courses to look for upskilling for 2020?

When taking a step towards upskilling, you should make sure that the skill you are learning will be helpful for your career in attaining your short term and long term goals.

You will have two choices here: either to completely change your career path and learn a subject that is entirely different from your existing domain; or learn advanced skills relevant to your career and get certified in them to get promoted and make a progress in your career. Accordingly, you may check what suits you from the list of best IT jobs for 2020 as given below −

Top skills for 2020

Your upskilling should never stop just with learning a new subject. You should also focus on enhancing your interpersonal skills, communication skills, and people management. The World Economic Forum reports emphasize that you need the ten skills listed below to succeed in your profession in 2020 −

Remember, your approach to upskilling should be all comprehensive – technical, emotional and interpersonal.

Get job-ready for 2020

Now that you are equipped with the essentials of upskilling, prepare an upskilling plan to meet your career goals perfectly and be ready to make your professional mark in 2020. TutorialsPoint wishes you every success in 2020!

Updated on: 29-Feb-2024


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