Update a Nested Dictionary in Python

In Python, dictionaries are versatile data structures that allow you to store and retrieve key-value pairs efficiently. Nested dictionaries, in particular, provide a convenient way to organize and represent complex data. However, updating values within a nested dictionary can sometimes be a bit challenging.

Accessing Nested Dictionary Elements

To update a value within a nested dictionary, we first need to access the specific key within the dictionary hierarchy. Python allows you to access nested elements by using the keys successively. For example −

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}
nested_dict['outer_key']['inner_key'] = 'new_value'

In the above code snippet, we access the nested element 'inner_key' by chaining the keys successively and update its value to 'new_value'.

Updating a Single Level Nested Dictionary

Sometimes, you might encounter a nested dictionary where the keys at different levels do not have a fixed structure. In such cases, a more generic approach is required. Python provides the update() method, which allows us to merge one dictionary into another, thereby updating its values. Here's an example 

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}
update_dict = {'inner_key': 'new_value'}

In the above code snippet, we create a separate dictionary update_dict containing the key-value pair we want to update. By using the update() method, we merge the update_dict into the nested dictionary at the specified key level, effectively updating its value.

Updating Multiple Levels of Nested Dictionary

If you need to update values in multiple levels of a nested dictionary, you can follow a recursive approach. This approach involves traversing the dictionary recursively until the desired key is found. Here's an example 

def update_nested_dict(nested_dict, keys, new_value):
   if len(keys) == 1:
      nested_dict[keys[0]] = new_value
      key = keys[0]
      if key in nested_dict:
         update_nested_dict(nested_dict[key], keys[1:], new_value)

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': {'deep_key': 'old_value'}}}
keys = ['outer_key', 'inner_key', 'deep_key']
new_value = 'new_value'
update_nested_dict(nested_dict, keys, new_value)

In the above code snippet, we define a recursive function update_nested_dict that takes the nested dictionary, a list of keys, and the new value as parameters. The function checks if there is only one key left in the list; if so, it updates the value in the nested dictionary. Otherwise, it traverses deeper into the nested dictionary until the desired key is found.

Handling Missing Keys and Creating New Ones

When updating a nested dictionary, it's important to consider scenarios where the specified keys might not exist. Python provides several techniques to handle such situations and create new keys if needed.

Using the Setdefault() Method

The setdefault() method is a convenient way to update values in a nested dictionary while handling missing keys. It allows you to specify a default value if the key does not exist. If the key is found, the existing value is returned. Otherwise, the default value is inserted into the dictionary. Here's an example 

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {}}
nested_dict['outer_key'].setdefault('inner_key', 'new_value')

In the above code snippet, we use the setdefault() method to update the value of 'inner_key' within the 'outer_key' of the nested dictionary. If 'inner_key' does not exist, it is created with the value 'new_value'.

Using the Defaultdict Class

The defaultdict class from the collections module provides a powerful way to handle missing keys in nested dictionaries. It automatically assigns a default value when accessing a non-existent key. Here's an example 

from collections import defaultdict

nested_dict = defaultdict(dict)
nested_dict['outer_key']['inner_key'] = 'new_value'

In the above code snippet, we create a defaultdict with the dict type as the default factory. This ensures that any non-existent key will automatically create a new nested dictionary. We then proceed to update the 'inner_key' within the 'outer_key' with the value 'new_value'.

Updating Values in Deeply Nested Dictionaries

If your nested dictionary has multiple levels of nesting and you need to update values in the innermost levels, a recursive approach becomes even more useful. You can extend the recursive function to handle deeply nested dictionaries by modifying the traversal logic accordingly.

def update_deep_nested_dict(nested_dict, keys, new_value):
   if len(keys) == 1:
      nested_dict[keys[0]] = new_value
      key = keys[0]
      if key in nested_dict:
         update_deep_nested_dict(nested_dict[key], keys[1:], new_value)
         nested_dict[key] = {}
         update_deep_nested_dict(nested_dict[key], keys[1:], new_value)

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': {'deep_key': 'old_value'}}}
keys = ['outer_key', 'inner_key', 'deep_key']
new_value = 'new_value'
update_deep_nested_dict(nested_dict, keys, new_value)

In the code snippet above, we enhance the previous recursive function to handle deeply nested dictionaries. If a key is missing at any level, a new empty dictionary is created, and the function continues to traverse until the innermost key is reached.

Immutable Nested Dictionaries

It's important to note that dictionaries in Python are mutable objects. Therefore, when you update a nested dictionary, the changes will reflect in all references to that dictionary. If you need to maintain the original state of the nested dictionary, you can create a deep copy of it before making any updates.

import copy

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}
updated_dict = copy.deepcopy(nested_dict)
updated_dict['outer_key']['inner_key'] = 'new_value'


import copy

nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}
updated_dict = copy.deepcopy(nested_dict)
updated_dict['outer_key']['inner_key'] = 'new_value'

print("Original nested_dict:")



Here's the output for the code snippet mentioned in the section 

Original nested_dict:
{'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}

{'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'new_value'}}

In the above code snippet, the copy.deepcopy() function creates a complete copy of the nested dictionary, including all levels of nesting. This allows you to update the copied dictionary without affecting the original one.

Updating Values Using Dictionary Comprehension

For simple updates within a nested dictionary, you can use dictionary comprehensions. This approach is suitable when you have a known set of keys to update.


nested_dict = {'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}
keys_to_update = ['outer_key']
updated_dict = {key: 'new_value' if key in keys_to_update else value for key, value in nested_dict.items()}


Here is the output for the above code snippet 

Original nested_dict:
{'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'old_value'}}

{'outer_key': {'inner_key': 'new_value'}}

In the code snippet, we start with the nested_dict dictionary containing a nested structure. We create a deep copy of the nested_dict using copy.deepcopy() and assign it to updated_dict. Then, we update the value of 'inner_key' within the 'outer_key' in the updated_dict to 'new_value'.

Finally, we print the original nested_dict and the updated updated_dict. As you can see from the output, the original nested_dict remains unchanged, while the updated_dict reflects the updated value.


Updating a nested dictionary in Python can involve accessing specific keys, merging dictionaries, or using recursive techniques. By understanding these different approaches, you can efficiently update values within nested dictionaries based on your specific requirements. Remember to consider the structure and complexity of your nested dictionary when selecting the most suitable approach.

Python's flexibility and built-in methods, such as update(), setdefault(), and the defaultdict class, provide powerful tools to handle various scenarios, including missing keys and creating new ones.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023

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