Understanding Sparse Transformer: Stride and Fixed Factorized Attention

Transformer models have progressed much in natural language processing (NLP), getting state-of-the-art results in many tasks. But Transformers' computational complexity and memory needs increase by a factor of four with the length of the input sequence. This makes it hard to handle long sequences quickly. Researchers have developed Sparse Transformers, an extension of the Transformer design that adds sparse attention mechanisms, to get around these problems. This article looks at the idea of Sparse Transformers, with a focus on Stride and Fixed Factorized Attention, two methods that help make these models more efficient and effective.

Transformer Recap

Before getting into Sparse Transformers, reviewing how regular Transformers work is essential. Transformers use methods that allow them to pay attention to different parts of the input sequence when encoding or decoding. The model has an encoder and a decoder. Both are made up of multiple layers of self-attention and feed-forward neural networks. But the Transformers self-attention process is hard to compute because it has quadratic complexity.

Introducing Sparse Transformers

By adding sparsity to attention patterns, Sparse Transformers solve the problems of computation and memory that come with the self-attention system. Sparse Transformers pay attention to only some places in the sequence. Instead, they choose which positions to pay attention to. This method makes it easier for the model to handle long sequences while keeping its good performance.


"Stride" is one way to bring sparsity into the attention process. In traditional self-attention, each sign pays attention to the others. But in Sparse Transformers, tokens are put into neighborhoods, and attention is only calculated within each community. The step determines the size of the community and the distance between jobs that need to be done. When the stride lengthens, the number of attended places goes down. This makes attention patterns less dense. This decrease in treated areas makes it much easier to do calculations and takes up much less memory.

Fixed Factorized Attention

Fixed Factorized Attention is another method that is used in Sparse Transformers. Attention weights are calculated in the standard Transformer by taking the dot product of the question and key vectors and then doing a softmax operation. In Fixed Factorized Attention, on the other hand, the attention weights are turned into a product of two matrices with smaller dimensions. This factorization makes it easier to do calculations and lowers the complexity of self-attention from quadratic to linear. Because of this, Fixed Factorized Attention is a good way to handle long patterns.

Advantages of Sparse Transformers

Sparse Transformers are better than standard Transformers in several ways −

  • Efficiency − Sparse Transformers are good for jobs that involve documents, code, or audio signals because they can process long sequences quickly. Using methods like "stride" to focus on a subset of positions, computational complexity, and memory needs are exceptionally cut down.

  • Scalability − Sparse Transformers can handle more extensive documents or input sequences without using too much computing power. Because of this, Transformer models can be used for a broader range of jobs and data sets.

  • Interpretability − The sparsity that Sparse Transformers adds makes it easier to understand. By paying attention to important parts of the sequence of inputs, these models show which positions or tokens add more to the model's predictions, making them clearer and easier to understand.

Disadvantages of Sparse Transformers

Sparse Transformers have a lot of good points, but they also have a few things that could go wrong −

  • Reduced Information Flow − The sparsity that Sparse Transformers add may make it harder for the model to catch dependencies between particular tokens. By focusing on a subset of positions, the model may miss important information about the context, which could hurt performance on jobs where these dependencies are essential.

  • Increased Trade-Offs − When sparsity is added to Sparse Transformers, it is necessary to find a balance between the processing speed and the information flow. Finding the right mix can be challenging since too much sparsity can hurt performance, and too little sparsity may not lead to significant gains in efficiency.

Benefits of Sparse Transformers

Sparse Transformers offer several key benefits −

  • Handling Long Sequences − Sparse Transformers can take long sequences quickly, which makes them suitable for jobs like analyzing documents, recognizing speech, and understanding videos. This ability lets you record and study much information, which is essential in these areas.

  • Improved Scalability − Sparse Transformers enable handling more significant inputs without sacrificing performance. They do this by making computations simpler and requiring less memory. This ability to grow means it can be used for a broader range of jobs and data sets.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability − Sparse Transformers provide a flexible framework for using different sparsity methods. Researchers can try different ways to add sparsity and make the models fit the needs of a specific job and the limits of their computers.


Sparse Transformers have been helpful in several NLP tasks −

  • Sparse Transformers can handle long sentences and papers, improving the translation quality and ensuring that more context is taken into account.

  • Language Modeling − Sparse Transformers quickly and effectively handle large corpora or long documents, improving language modeling and generation.

  • Document Classification − Even with longer inputs, Sparse Transformers can examine and classify text documents well.

  • Speech Recognition − Sparse Transformers can be used for speech recognition jobs because they are good at picking up acoustic features and context and improving performance.


With methods like stride and Fixed Factorized Attention, Sparse Transformers offer a scalable way to handle long sequences in NLP tasks. By adding sparsity to the attention process, these models eliminate traditional Transformers' problems with computation and memory. They have benefits like being fast, scalable, and easy to understand. But they could also have problems with how information flows and trade-offs are made. With more study and development, Sparse Transformers could change many areas where lengthy sequence processing is essential, making it possible for AI models to be more efficient and effective.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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