Understanding node2vec algorithm in machine learning

Node2Vec is a machine learning method that tries to learn how to describe nodes in a network or graph in a continuous way. It is especially good at recording structure information about the network, which makes it possible to do things like classify nodes, predict links, and see how the network is put together. In this piece, we'll look at the basics of the Node2Vec method, as well as how it works and what it can be used for.

Graph Representation Learning

Graphs are used to describe complex relationships and interactions in many fields, such as social networks, biological networks, recommendation systems, and knowledge graphs. Graph representation learning focuses on mapping graph nodes to a continuous vector space so that subsequent machine learning techniques may be applied to the embeddings rather than the underlying network structure.

Embedding nodes according to their similarity, capturing their structural and semantic information, is the core notion behind graph representation learning. Traditional approaches, such as matrix factorization and random walks, can only approximate the global and local structural patterns of a graph. In this case, the Node2Vec method is helpful.

The Need for Node2Vec

Node2Vec works around the problems in older ways by using node areas. The idea is that nodes in the same part of the graph will likely have the same jobs or functions. Node2Vec uses the best interests of both breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) to create random walks that look at the internal features of a graph.

Random Walks

A random walk is a route in a network in which the next node to visit is selected randomly from among the node's neighbors. Random walks may capture a graph's local and global structure. The aim is to produce random walks in Node2Vec that strike a good mix between investigating nearby nodes and venturing into uncharted territory.

Node2Vec Algorithm

The Node2Vec algorithm consists of three key steps −

  • Sampling random walks

  • Creating biased random walks

  • Learning node embeddings using Skip-gram or another similar method

Step 1: Sampling Random Walks

In the first step of Node2Vec, random walks are picked out of the graph. The method takes a certain number of random walks of a set length from each point. Depending on which node you choose as the starting point, you can focus on local or global exploration.

Node2Vec employs a return hyperparameter (p) and in-out hyperparameter (q) to balance the exploration-exploitation trade-off. The return hyperparameter (p) controls the likelihood of revisiting nodes in previous steps, while the in-out hyperparameter (q) differentiates between BFS (q > 1) and DFS (q < 1) exploration strategies.

Step 2: Creating Biased Random Walks

In the second step, you use the transfer probabilities between nodes to make skewed random walks. The structure of the graph and the numbers of p and q affect how likely these things are to happen.

At each random walk step, the program decides whether to go to the previous node, explore all of its neighbors, or give more weight to nodes closer to or farther from the last node. The transition probabilities, which are affected by the hyperparameters p and q, guide these decisions.

Step 3: Learning Node Embeddings

The last step of the Node2Vec technique is to learn node embeddings using Skip-gram or a related method. In natural language processing, skip-gram is a common way to learn word embeddings and can also be used to learn node embeddings.

In Skip-gram, the goal is to guess the context (the other nodes around the target node) based on the target node. Node2Vec learns to embed nodes in a continuous vector space by training the model on the random walks it makes. The distances between node embeddings show how similar their structures are.

Applications of Node2Vec

Node2Vec has been used in many areas because it can record structural data in graphs. Its most important uses include −

  • Node Classification − Node2Vec embeddings can be used as features for machine learning tasks like classifying nodes that come later. Training a classifier on the learned embeddings makes it possible to guess the class or label of a node that has never been seen before based on its embedding representation and the named nodes in the training set.

  • Link Prediction − Link prediction determines what links are missing or will be added to a network. Node2Vec can be used to make embeddings for nodes and then measure how similar their embeddings are. Nodes with similar embeddings are likely to have similar patterns of connections, which can help determine what links are missing or might be added in the future.

  • Network Visualization − Node2Vec embeddings make seeing big graphs in a place with few dimensions possible. When high-dimensional embeddings are projected onto a 2D or 3D area, the graph's structure can be seen, and groups or communities can be found.

  • Recommendation Systems − Node2Vec can also be used in systems that make tips to make unique suggestions. Learning the embeddings of users and things in a recommendation graph makes it possible to make similarity-based suggestions by finding nodes with embeddings similar to the target person or item.


Node2Vec is a powerful method for learning how to describe nodes in graphs in a continuous way. Node2Vec gets local and global information about how nodes are built by using the idea of random walks and combining discovery and exploitation. It can be used in many different areas, such as the classification of nodes, prediction of links, display of networks, and guidance systems. Node2Vec helps improve machine learning methods for analyzing and understanding networks by finding significant graph trends.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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