Understanding Internet of Robotic Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables connecting smart devices to the network and these devices can communicate with each other without human intervention. This technology allows users to transmit huge amounts of data through wireless media. “Things” are smart devices and sensors that are added to everyday activities using a network connection. IoT devices are classified based on their usage in customer services, industrial needs, and commercial purposes. Networks of IoT can be categorized by the mobile network, Bluetooth connections, WAN, and Mesh protocols. IoT device chooses their network based on distance coverage, bandwidth, signal transmission, etc. In this article, we will describe the concept of the Internet of Robotic Things.

Internet of Robotic Things

When Robotics things are combined with IoT devices then it provides more automation processes where devices are connected to the network since the events and act accordingly to the environment where it is connected to other devices.

These Robotic things work on the artificial intelligence configured inside the device and make the best decisions that suit the physical or virtual reality. It reduces human power and saves time which increases productivity.

These devices also use cloud services where the data can be analyzed once and it can be used to decide to provide the optimal solution for future needs also generate reports.

A few examples of IoRT devices are −

  • Smartwatches to monitor health, fitness, mobile notifications, weather report, etc.

  • Automation in home appliances by connecting the remote sensor to operate a washing machine, refrigerator, microwave oven, and security devices to provide locks to doors.

  • Automated self-driving cars that work on Artificial intelligence to drive themselves by predefined instructions designed.

Difference between IoT and Internet of Robotic Things

  • Major difference between IoT and IoRT devices is how they communicate to the physical world and way of interaction with real time objects.

  • When an exceptional situation or emergency conditions occur then IoRT device can analyze the data and responds immediately with a solution whereas IoT device acts only with the predefined conditions or tasks that are configured.

Features or Components of the Internet of Robotic Things

It combines the functionalities of Internet things and Robotics. As all know, robots are designed to work on their own and perform tasks at a faster rate when compared to humans. They are known for their intelligence and even think out of the box which provides multiple viewpoints for a problem.


Sensing As A Service is enabled in IoRT devices where the sensors act based on the environment. These devices sense the surroundings with the help of software inbuilt or a GPS monitoring system.


Creates a connection with other wireless devices which uses Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and the Internet which is the main function of the IoRT devices


After connecting to the device on the network, IoRT devices act according to the purpose of their design and interact with physical objects. Devices acts based on the algorithm that is coded in sensors to perform the desired function.


IoT devices have the authority to sense and act themselves but with a minimum level of human interaction. Humans can control the devices using any remote device or any physical interface within a short distance of the network.

Implementation of IoRT devices

IoT devices are implemented in many organizations which requires productivity and a few are discussed below −

E-Commerce system

Robotic devices can work along with human help for packing goods and other inventory purposes which are used in large warehouse areas. Amazon has started its Robotics Center to carry out inventory tasks in US countries.

Healthcare system

Medical devices can keep track of glucose, blood pressure, heartbeat, oxygen level, and many features which reduces hospital visit and provides alerts to the doctor or the user when any values are above the normal range.

So the report of patient’s data can be made available online to the doctor at any time and even surgery is also possible with robotic devices with high intelligence along with human guidance

Security system

IoT devices can be used for security purposes at home, in organization, banks, and any reputed companies which has confidential data. These Robotic devices can act as security guards to monitor using the camera input and sensors attached to them. Provides forces in the military domain by sensing the attacks possible from drones which reduces terrorist attacks beforehand.

Smart Vehicle system

Automated car driving technology is already implemented in most countries. It takes input from the cameras that are installed on each traffic signal and decides the route accordingly. This reduces accidents, inlines with the traffic rules, and finds the shortest path to reach the destination on time.

Automated car works on machine learning algorithms, sensors, software used, inbuilt processor, etc. Handles car break, acceleration, and steering all on its own without human interaction so they do not need any humans to be physically present inside.

Smart Home with robotic devices

IoRT devices are widely used in all modern homes to reduce the pressure on household duties. Advances include smart IOT enabled coffee machines, microwave ovens, washing machines, etc. Another familiar Alexa device invented by amazon cloud service uses voice input and responds by performing the desired action. Setting up an alarm, listening to music, knowing current news on climate, technology, movies, and much more are a few features on an Alexa device.

Finally, IoRT devices communicate with other devices that are automated or to humans which makes task completion at a faster rate and a reliable form. Future devices can help humans and other devices to have a smoother experience which may make all the things we use as smart devices.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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