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Ultimate Front-End Web Development Course

person icon Selfcode Academy


Ultimate Front-End Web Development Course

Unleash Your Creativity, Master the Web: Transform into a Front-End Maestro!

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Selfcode Academy

category icon Web Development,HTML,CSS,JavaScript ES6,Bootstrap 5

Lectures -42

Resources -2

Duration -10 hours



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Course Description

Course Description: Front-End Web Development Masterclass

Join us on an exhilarating journey into front-end web development, where creativity meets functionality. This comprehensive course is meticulously crafted to empower you with the skills needed to build visually captivating and highly interactive websites.


Course Curriculum Overview:

Discover the art and science of crafting captivating web experiences with our Front-End Web Development Masterclass. Delve into the essentials of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and learn how to create stunning, user-friendly websites that stand out in search results.

1. HTML Fundamentals: Learn the foundational elements of HTML for structuring your content and optimizing it for search engines.

2. CSS Proficiency: Master the intricacies of CSS to design visually engaging websites that are both aesthetically pleasing and search engine friendly.

3. JavaScript Mastery: Harness the potential of JavaScript to create dynamic and engaging user experiences that improve your site's visibility and engagement.

4. Bootstrap Essentials and Hands-On Projects: Explore using Bootstrap for responsive design and take on practical projects to enhance your portfolio's search visibility.

Why Enroll? Elevate your web development skills and enhance your online presence.

  1. In-Demand Skills for Career Growth: Acquire the sought-after skills in front-end web development, opening up a world of opportunities in the ever-expanding tech industry.

  2. Enhanced Employability: Gain a competitive edge with practical knowledge that makes you an invaluable asset to any organization seeking skilled front-end developers.

  3. Creative Empowerment: Unleash your creativity and bring your design ideas to life with the confidence of mastering the essential tools and technologies of web development.

  4. Portfolio Development: Build an impressive portfolio showcasing your skills through hands-on projects, setting yourself apart in a competitive job market or freelancing arena.

  5. Interactive Learning Experience: Engage in a dynamic learning environment emphasising real-world applications and practical skills, ensuring a seamless transition from theory to practice.

Enroll in our Front-End Web Development Masterclass today and pave the way for a successful career in the dynamic world of web development.

******************We have uploaded the resource files along with the first lecture.******************


  1. Comprehensive Understanding: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental languages and technologies that power the front end of the web, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  2. Skill Mastery: Master the art of creating visually appealing and interactive websites through hands-on projects and practical applications.

  3. Responsive Design Expertise: Acquire the skills to build responsive and mobile-friendly websites using Bootstrap, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices and screen sizes.

  4. User-Centric Approach: Learn to prioritize user experience and engagement, creating websites that are intuitive, user-friendly, and optimized for search engine visibility.

  5. Problem-Solving Proficiency: Cultivate problem-solving skills through the exploration of real-world web development challenges and their solutions, preparing you to tackle complex development issues.

  6. Industry Relevance: Stay abreast of industry trends and best practices, equipping yourself with the knowledge and expertise required to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving web development landscape.


Course Prerequisites:

  1. Basic Computer Literacy: Familiarity with operating systems, file management, and basic software usage.

  2. Understanding of Internet Basics: A basic understanding of how the Internet works, including web browsing and navigating websites.

  3. Foundational Programming Knowledge: Familiarity with basic programming concepts and logic will be beneficial, although not mandatory.

  4. Motivation and Enthusiasm: A strong desire to learn and explore the world of web development, coupled with a passion for creating engaging user experiences.

While prior experience in web development is not mandatory, having a basic understanding of computer operations and a keen interest in the subject will significantly enhance your learning experience in this course.

Ultimate Front-End Web Development Course


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

9 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction to HTML 12:12 12:12
  • play icon Elements and Tags 25:21 25:21
  • play icon How to install VS Code 05:13 05:13
  • play icon HTML structure 19:48 19:48
  • play icon Block elemts, Inline elements 19:48 19:48
  • play icon Lists & Anchors 30:36 30:36
  • play icon Tables and Forms 36:46 36:46
  • play icon Audio and Video Tag 32:34 32:34
  • play icon Project - 1 18:25 18:25
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
15 Lectures
14 Lectures
BootStrap & Projects
4 Lectures

Instructor Details

Selfcode Academy

Selfcode Academy

At SelfCode Academy, we are more than just an educational platform; we are the gateway to unlocking the world of coding and technology. As a premier EdTech brand, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age.

Our mission is to demystify the world of coding and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior experience. We understand that technology is shaping the future, and coding is its language. That's why we have curated a range of comprehensive coding courses that cater to beginners, intermediate learners, and even seasoned programmers looking to upskill.

What sets SelfCode Academy apart is our commitment to excellence in education. Our courses are meticulously designed by industry experts to ensure relevance, practicality, and engagement. Through our user-friendly online platform, learners can access a variety of programming languages, development tools, and project-based learning opportunities.

We recognize that each individual learns at their own pace, which is why our courses are self-paced, allowing learners to progress in a way that suits their schedule and preferences. We provide a supportive learning environment with dedicated instructors, a vibrant community forum, and interactive resources that facilitate both independent and collaborative learning.

At SelfCode Academy, we believe that coding is not just a skill, but a mindset that fosters creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. Our vision is to equip learners with the ability to turn their ideas into tangible digital solutions, whether it's building websites, developing apps, or shaping the technologies of tomorrow.

Join us on a transformative journey where you'll gain more than just coding skills – you'll gain the confidence to navigate a tech-driven world and make your mark on it. Welcome to SelfCode Academy, where your coding aspirations become a reality.

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