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Ultimate Devops Bootcamp

person icon Gourav Shah


Ultimate Devops Bootcamp

Implement End to End Devops Practices with a Real Life Like Application.

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Gourav Shah

category icon DevOps,Cloud Computing,Docker,Kubernetes,CI/CD,

Lectures -134

Resources -3

Duration -12 hours



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Course Description

Ultimate Devops Bootcamp is been my dream project. After working with devops practices for 15+years  (even before devops as a keyword was created in 2009) and with my experience of delivering corporate trainings for more than 11 years, I have been wanting to create a program which explains devops from grounds up, demonstrate the the entire workflow with a realistic use case, and takes them on a devops journey right from implementing it right from development to continuous integration, to automated deployments and then completing the feedback loop with monitoring. This is that program.

This is a program for you if,

  • you are interested in making a career in the field of devops and looking for way to get started.
  • you want to get a understanding of a devops workflow with a realistic use case and desire to learning by doing
  • want to get a quick dive into key practices and tools e.g. docker, git, jenkins, ansible, kubernetes, prometheus

Following are the key practices and tools you would learn during this course and a quick overview of how the course flows

  • Codifying Devops – The Devops Story : This is the story of devops, from beginning and explains how organisations evolved, right from Ford’s assembly line and TPS to lean, agile and now devops. And then dives into the key practices and tools of the game. Narrated as a story.
  • Use case Mogambo.org : This section would introduce you with the use case of a fictional organisation, with realistic problems. As part of the course, you are going to help this organisation transform to be truely agile and reliable with the devops practices that you implement.
  • Containerisation with Docker : With the world moving towards container based delivery, Docker is a skill that a must know for everyone. This section would teach you just exactly that. It will equip you with the essential skills to work with docker. You would also start dockerising sample applications for Mogambo.org and later integrate it with Jenkins and deploy with kubernetes.
  • Revision Control with Git : With the underlying theme of everything as a code, Just like Docker, learning git is another essential skill that everyone posses. This section introduces to the world of revision control with git and would teach you how to get started working with git, repositories, branches and remotes.
  • Continuous Integration with Jenkins : Immediate feedback is the key to bring down the failures, bugs and to incrementally improve the quality of the code. Continuous integration(CI) is the key practice which offers a way to create a feedback pipeline and run it in a automated way. Jenkins is the gold standard in the world of CI and thats exactly what you would get started with in this section. You would also learn how to build build pipelines for Mogambo.org.
  • Infrastructure as a Code with Ansible: Ability to write Infrastructure as a code has revolutionised the world of Ops teams by offering them a way to codify the infrastructure, revision control it, test it and create repeatable automated workflows. It is a big deal and a cornerstone of the devops practices. In this section you would learn the basics of Ansible, create simple playbooks to deploy applications.
  • Deploying container based apps with Kubernetes: Just as Jenkins is the standard in CI world, so has Kubernetes consolidated its position as a Container Orchestration Engine (COE). Its a reliable, feature rich, cloud agnostic way of converting your infrastructure into a Container as a Service. You would learn how to setup a Kubernetes cluster and would build one using Google Kubernetes Engine Platform (GKE) to deploy applications for Mogambo.org.
  • Monitoring with Prometheus: Prometheus along with Grafana makes a powerful duo when it comes to setting up monitoring services, specially with kubernetes based infrastructure, where the two integrate very well, offering you a seamless experience to setup a complete solution for health monitoring at node, kubernetes resources and at application level. In this course you are going to setup a one click deploy monir

Even though this course has a length of more than 11 hours, consider it as your first step towards devops expertise. If you are serious about devops as a profession, you need to posses at the least intermediate depth into each topic that you learn as part of this course.

This course is a result of months of hardwork by School of Devops team wiht collective experience of more than two and a half decade. Hope you appreciate and enjoy it and find worth your time. Happy learning !

Use-Case / Project

Use Case / Project

You would be building a real life like project throughout the course for a micro sevices application stack. You would be working as a Devops Engineer for a eCommerce platform, Mogambo.org, which is rapidly growing and needs solutions to make the software delivery more reliable, fast and efficient.


  • Learn the Storey of Devops, How it all started and evolved over years.
  • Project 1 - Design a Devops Solution for a Micro Services Application
  • Project 2 - Containerize Applications by writing Dockerfiles
  • Project 3 - Enforce Trunk Based Development Model and Code Reviews
  • Project 4 - Build CI Pipelines for NodeJS and Java Apps
  • Project 5 - Integrate CI with Docker. Build and Publish Images from Jenkins
  • Project 6 - Automate Application Deployment with Ansible
  • Project 7 - Build a Scalable, HA and Secure Infrastructure
  • Project 8 - Automate Cloud Infra with Terraform
  • Project 9 - Deploy Container Applications with Kubernetes
  • Project 10 - Automate Kubernetes Deployments with ArgoCD
  • Project 11 - Setup Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana


  • Essential Understanding of Software Delivery 
  • Some background/education in Information Technology
Ultimate Devops Bootcamp


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Concepts: The Devops Story
12 Lectures
  • play icon Getting Started - The Devops Storey 00:46 00:46
  • play icon The Beginning - Assembly Line and Toyota Production System 05:37 05:37
  • play icon Lean to Agile 11:04 11:04
  • play icon From Agile to Devops 05:13 05:13
  • play icon Defining Devops 05:12 05:12
  • play icon Reverse Elephant Theory - Interpreting Devops 05:52 05:52
  • play icon Key principles of Devops 06:54 06:54
  • play icon Environment Automation 04:51 04:51
  • play icon Infrastructure as a Code 06:58 06:58
  • play icon Continuous Integration 07:43 07:43
  • play icon Continous Delivery and Deployment 05:32 05:32
  • play icon Continuous Monitoring - Completing the Feedback Loop 05:08 05:08
Workshop: Introducing the use case - Mogambo.org
6 Lectures
Concepts: Introduction to Docker Based Delivery
7 Lectures
Setup: Creating Learning Environment
1 Lectures
Run and Operate Containers with Docker
11 Lectures
Build Container Images
4 Lectures
Project : Building Container Images for Mogambo.org
8 Lectures
Labs : Just enough Git to be dangerous
9 Lectures
Project - Enforcing Trunk Based Development Model and Code Reviews
5 Lectures
Labs: Just enough Jenkins to be dangerous
13 Lectures
Project - Building CI Pipelines for Mogambo.org
10 Lectures
Project - Writing Pipeline as a Code with Jenkinsfiles
6 Lectures
Using Docker Agent with Jenkins
5 Lectures
Project: Continuous Integration with Docker
3 Lectures
Labs: Just enough Ansible to be dangerous
9 Lectures
Project : Deploying Mogambo.org apps with Ansible
5 Lectures
Project: Deploying dockerized apps with Kubernetes
13 Lectures
Project: Cluster health monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
7 Lectures

Instructor Details

Gourav Shah

Gourav Shah

Gourav comes with 15+ years of experience building, managing, and automating systems at scale. He has helped organizations design and implement DevOps practices. 

He left his corporate job in 2012 to start Initcron, a niche DevOps consulting firm. He eventually got into delivering DevOps workshops for corporates in India and then internationally. He has conducted more than 300 instructor-led trainings. 

Based on the rare combination of his technical as well as teaching/delivery skills, he started teaching in 2018.  In a years time, through the School of DevOps banner. He is also an eDX-published author and has been a course creator with the Linux Foundation

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