Types of VoIP hacking and counter measures

Voice over internet protocol is related to the collection of different technology that allows the easy and effective delivery of voice communication, video, audio, and images with the help of the data network through internet protocol. It can also be referred to as a technology that makes it very easier to make voice calls by making use of Internet connections. VoIP makes it very easier and more flexible to make calls as compared to the traditional telephone system. To reduce voice over Internet protocol hacking it is important to incorporate various measures that could include designing a strong password for the website or the file so that the files are protected from malicious users.

VoIP hacking

VoIP hacking is concerned with making use of unauthorized access to the phone system to steal data. The hackers try to listen to the calls and steal critical information. The hacking is also done to make calls and increase the bills of the international communicator. These types of attacks usually occur in a situation when an insider or a known person will serve important information. These types of attacks could result in the use of customer information which would include the use of credit card information and using this information to gain money.

Various types of VoIP hacking

1. Unauthorized use

It is a type of attack vendor user or the hacker make use of the information of the phone network to make calls to other person or organization pretending someone is from the organization. These types of hackers or malicious users make use of the autodial link and robot calling software to connect to the phone network system. When the receiver takes the call a prerecorded message please could ask the listener to enter their information such as credit card details or bank details.

2. Toll fraud

It is referred to as making international calls to other people and organizations that could result in increasing the bill amount and often resulting in major damage to the organization.

3. Eavesdropping

It occurs when the attacker listens to certain business goals and communications without the user’s information. This type of malicious activity occurs when the date of information is shared through an unencrypted or unsecured channel of communication.

4. Call tampering

It is one of the techniques used by the malicious user to create a disturbance in communication it could include injecting some noise packets to reduce the quality of communication.

5. DoS attack

It is a type of attack that includes making a particular service unavailable by injecting huge traffic from multiple ends to the system.

6. Buffer overflow attacks

It is a place for storing data temporarily. When more data is placed on a program or a system this results in the situation of data overflow. This could also result to the leaking of certain important data into other buffers that could also corrupt the owner’s holding. In the situation of a buffer overflow attack, the extra information can reach malicious users and they can change the data and damage the files.

7. Viruses and malware

A virus is a court embedded that results to affecting the original information. The viruses are self-replicating and are being designed to hurt the program and the software. Malware is software that enters into the system without the owner’s consent to steal private and confidential information.


Countermeasures for dealing with VoIP are as follows −

  • Access to the website or the content should be implemented in a careful and controlled manner so that unauthorized access to the information can be reduced.

  • Choosing a trusted voice over Internet protocol is very important so that the information is safe.

  • Detailed analysis and network tests should be done periodically so that the problems in the network can easily be identified.

  • Regular checking of the call logs and the history is equally important as it will help in identifying any problem regarding the use of data.

  • The Password set up for the website needs to be strong enough so that hackers cannot simply crack it.

  • The company needs to concentrate on adding more security checks and train software handlers to look out for any unwanted behavior.


Voice over Internet protocol is a technology that is used to transport information and for communication. This could include making and allowing voice communications so that the critical information can easily be communicated. The other measures could include providing restricted control over the important information so that unauthorized use can be reduced.

Updated on: 12-Apr-2023


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