Types of Hackers

Hackers one should be aware of

The moment we hear the word 'hacker,' our imagination takes us to a dark room, the backside of a man wearing a black hoodie, surrounded by various computers, destroying someone's precious files. Still, there is more to what hackers are and what they are capable of.

Hacking and hackers

Hacking is obtaining unauthorized access to data, computers, and systems. Hackers use an IT system to gain unauthorized access to another method for the data or disable another person's system to obtain any data with and without the owner's permission.

But one should understand that not every hacker is terrible, and there are different types of hackers with specific goals.

Why do hackers hack?

There are various reasons why hackers hack. Given below are some most common causes −

  • We are achieving financial gain.

  • You need to use more data.

  • We are selling confidential data to various parties.

  • We are selling the malware.

  • They are blackmailing the victims for their data.

  • Carrying out political agendas.

  • Seeking revenge.

  • And lastly, proving a point.

Types of hackers

As mentioned above, there are six different types of significant hackers and five different types of minor hackers.

Major hackers

Black hat hackers

Black hat hackers are the worst as they disrupt systems and introduce malware that damages crucial files and steals confidential information. The computer is held hostage by them. These individuals are also called criminal hackers.

White hat hackers

White hat hackers, also termed ethical hackers, are the exact opposite of black hat hackers, meaning they only hack with the owner of the system's knowledge. White hat hackers are hired to evaluate the system's security and prevent cyberattacks.

Gray hat hackers

They're a blend of white and black hat hackers. They might hack a network without the owner's permission to look for existing vulnerabilities, even if they might not have harmful intentions. The gray hat hacker draws the owner's attention towards flaws after analyzing the network for them in the hopes of being paid to repair them. They often request a charge to fix the issue they detect in the system. Even though this isn't a crime, it is also not entirely ethical.

Green hat hackers

A beginner to hacking is described as a "green hat" hacker. These types of hackers may not have malicious intent, but they could damage systems as they practice cyberattacks. They are eager to grow even though they're still learning the rules. And as a result, they make the most effort to prove their expertise. A green hat hacker is incredibly dangerous as they may cause severe harm while operating mindlessly as they're driven to prove a point.

Blue hat hackers

A blue hat hacker is an individual whom companies hire to thoroughly test a new system network or software application before it is made public. With the owner's permission, the blue hat hacker launches an attack on the system to find efficient defenses for the network against any such attacks.

Red hat hackers

A red hat hacker is a person appointed by government agencies to detect security system flaws with the particular goal of finding and eliminating black hat hackers. These types of hackers resemble white hat hackers as they both are ethical. A red hat hacker will use whatever means necessary, even illegal, to construct barriers against cyberattacks.

Minor hackers

Script kiddies

An individual who employs pre-existing codes to initiate an attack is characterized as a "script kiddie." These hackers frequently use pre-existing scripts developed by other peers without adequately understanding how they operate or what they can do. While this type of hacker is considered silly, it could pose a significant internet and security hazard.

State/Nation sponsored hackers.

A nation's government recruits state-sponsored hackers to infiltrate the computer systems of some other nation. In addition to being appropriately prepared for potential threats to their country, these hackers exploit their expertise to get classified information from other nations. Given the fact that the government hires them, these are considered to be " licensed hackers."

Gaming hackers

A gaming hacker is a person who victimizes opponents of precious credit vaults and conducts assaults to push them out of the game. They're one of the most well-known hackers among young people nowadays. Many gaming hackers have attacked popular online games like Free Fire to obtain points and various other things.


Another popular thing nowadays is 'Crypto,' and so comes the threat to its safety. A cryptocurrency hacker utilizes unauthorized system resources and exploitable vulnerabilities to mine cryptocurrencies. These cybercriminals want the benefits of generating bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies without having to pay high prices. These hackers might use cyberattacks to seek cryptocurrency without investing in sophisticated mining equipment or paying exorbitant fees.


Hacktivists are hackers who attempt to get attention for a political cause by breaking into the networks or websites of pertinent corporations. A hacktivist may riot and destroy a company's or federal group's website to attract attention to and protest against a specific policy.

How to prevent hacking?

As the cases of hacking are rising, these are some ways in which one can protect their devices from getting attacked −

  • Using a firewall is mandatory.

  • Installation of antivirus software

  • Installation of spyware programs

  • Using strong passwords

  • Keeping backup on devices

  • Updating the antivirus software

  • Using two-factor authentication

  • Avoiding unsecured public wifi


Due to the unfavorable representation of hackers in the media, this topic receives much attention. Even though there are ethical hackers as well, people still solely view hacking as an unethical activity. To prevent attacks by unethical hackers, one should continue to update the anti-virus programs as technology progresses constantly.

In the future, hackers will push the boundaries of what is possible, and people will become more conscious of these boundaries. Depending on what kind of work has to be done, a hacker plays their role. Not every hacker can be unethical. There are few that plays very important roles in defending firewalls, and security.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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