Types and Goals of Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior and interaction within an organization and with other organizations. Organizational behavior is related to individuals, as well as group of people working together in teams. The concepts and principles of organizational behavior are mostly used to improve the efficiency of businesses.

Types of Organizational Behavior

Various types of organizational behavior are as follows −

  • Autocratic Model

  • Custodial Model

  • Supportive Model

  • Collegial Model

  • System Model

Autocratic Model

Autocratic model is the model that is contingent upon strength, ability and legal authority. In an autocratic organization, the owners who manage the tasks in an organization have legal authority to manage the employees who work under them. These lower-level employees have little control over the work outcome. Their plan and revolution are not generally welcomed, as the key decisions are made at the top management level.

The lead principle behind this model is that management has considerable business capability and the norm employee has equitably low levels of expertise and needs to be fully controlled and supervised. This type of autocratic management system was common in factories during the industrial revolution era.

The intellectual result of the employees is vulnerable to their boss, whose power to “engage, dismiss and sweat” is almost absolute. Employers receive less wages as they are less smart, and their performance is also minimal, which makes them somewhat disinclined as they have to satisfy the needs of their families and themselves. But there are some inconsistencies as many employees do give higher performance because they would either like to achieve or have a close conspiracy with their boss, or they have been promised a good reward, but overall, their performance is minimal.

Custodial Model

To prevail over the limitation of the Autocratic model, the custodial model came into existence. The insecurity and frustration felt by the workers under the autocratic model sometimes led to hostility towards the boss and their families.

Custodial models try to make employees feel as if the head of the organization is caring for their individual needs. This is frequently done through welfare packages such as healthcare, retirement plans and other inducements.

For example, an administrator visiting various territory offices could get a company car as an inducement.

The custodial model looks to retain quality people by providing inducements that are meaningful to the employer. Loyalty is to the company and not discrete to company leaders.

Supportive Model

As stated by the expert Rensis Likert, “The leadership and other procedure of the organization must be such as to ensure a maximum anticipation that in all interactions and all relationships with the organization, each member will, in the light of his background, values and expectations, view the experience as supportive, and one which construct and maintains his sense of intimate worth and importance.”

The key feature of this model is that it depends of leadership rather than on money or power.

Collegial Model

The Collegial Model is a companion of the supportive model. The wordbook meaning of collegial is a body of persons having a common purpose. As is clear from the meaning, this model is based upon the partnership between employees and the management.

The aim of this model is to create such a comfortable environment in the organization so that both employees and management feel like equal contributors and thereby respect each other. This results worker’s job satisfaction and commitment towards the organization.

System Model

This model is the substructure culture and team environment which consists of policies, management, and communication. It examines the area of amalgamating an employee’s skills into facilitating the organization. The aim of this model is to reach an argument between employees and the organization to generate common goals.

Key Factors Affecting Organization Behavior

Following are the key factors affecting organizational behavior −

  • People

  • Organizational Structure

  • Technology

Let us check each one in detail.


We spend a lot of our working hours at work, so it is favorable if they are pleasant hours, but that is not always the case. The people within an organization are one of the central impacts over the overall organization behavior within a company.

The interchange between independent employees is, in fact, one of the main areas of the study within the field of organizational behavior. Various intimate features that may affect organizational behavior include the education level of employees, their backgrounds, abilities and beliefs.

Organizational Structure

The structure of the organization refers to the organization of individuals in various roles and the relationships between managers and employees, while others have more cooperative, democratic systems in place.

For example, some companies have inflexible grading that define the relationship between managers and employees, while others have more cooperative, representative systems in place. The number of levels in an organization also influences the company’s organizational behavior.


The technology has a notable impact on working relationships. Technology provides the resources with which people work and affects the task that they perform. They cannot accomplish work with their unarmored. The great benefit of technology is that it allows people to do more and better work, but it also restricts people in various ways. It has cost as well as benefits.

Goals of Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is a telecommunication that deals with discrete behavior as well as group behavior in an organization. The four primary goals of organizational behavior are −

  • To describe

  • To understand

  • To predict

  • To control

To describe − The first objective is to narrate how to behave under various conditions.

For example, as a manager, I have information regarding the junior employee who comes to the office late and leaves the office early.

To understand − The second goal of organizational behavior is to understand why people behave as they do. Managers have to understand the reasons behind their actions.

For example, as a manager, I will have to find out the reason why the junior employee is coming late and going earlier - before I take any actions against him as per company rules.

To predict − Predicting future behavior of employees is another goal of organizational behavior. Usually managers would have the capacity to predict why the employees are committed to the organization or not.

For example, I have to realize why he wants to leave my organization, how I can hold the employee in my organization, what should be done by me in this situation or what my role is, etc.

To control − The final goal of organizational behavior is to control and develop a friendly ambiance for the organization. Since managers are responsible for the overall performance of an organization, they must develop workers’ teamwork, skills, and commitment. Managers should take necessary action for themselves.


The study of organizational behavior is one of the most remarkable elements in the management sciences, as it makes management learn from what has succeeded elsewhere. Generally, financial strength is a measure of the organization's past success. What determines whether the organization will continue to deliver sought-after products, will continue to develop cutting-edge technology, will continue to make the right options about which direction the market is going to go, will continue to make sound investment, is the people and the culture and structure.

Updated on: 24-Jun-2022

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