Type.GetMembers() Method in C#

The Type.GetMembers() method in C# is used to get the members (properties, methods, fields, events, etc.) of the current Type.


Following is the syntax −

public System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] GetMembers ();
public abstract System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] GetMembers (System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr);


Let us now see an example to implement the Type.GetMembers() method −

using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class Demo {
   public static void Main(){
      Type type = typeof(Subject);
      try {
         FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField("SubName");
         MemberInfo[] info = type.GetMembers();
         Console.Write("Members = ");
         for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}", info[i]);
         Console.WriteLine("FieldInfo = {0}", fieldInfo);
      catch (ArgumentNullException e){
         Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
public class Subject{
   public string SubName = "Science";


This will produce the following output −

Members = System.String ToString() Boolean Equals(System.Object)
Int32 GetHashCode()
System.Type GetType()
Void .ctor()
System.String SubName
FieldInfo = System.String SubName


Let us now see another example to implement the Type.GetMembers() method −

using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class Demo {
   public static void Main(){
      Type type = typeof(Subject);
      try {
         FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField("SubName");
         MemberInfo[] info = type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
         Console.Write("Members = ");
         for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}", info[i]);
         Console.WriteLine("FieldInfo = {0}", fieldInfo);
      catch (ArgumentNullException e){
         Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
public class Subject{
   public string SubName = "Science";


This will produce the following output −

Members = System.String ToString() Boolean Equals(System.Object)
Int32 GetHashCode()
System.Type GetType()
Void .ctor()

Updated on: 11-Nov-2019


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