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Turning Dreams Into Reality - Your Blueprint

person icon Brent Dalley


Turning Dreams Into Reality - Your Blueprint

"If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Brent Dalley

English [CC]

category icon Personal Development,Personal Transformation,Manifestation and Law of Attraction

Lectures -38

Resources -9

Duration -2.5 hours



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Course Description

When you say the word "dream" what comes to mind?  The phenomenon that happens during sleep or your thoughts during your waking hours sometimes referred to "daydreaming".  Daydreaming sometimes carries with it a negative connotation that perhaps a daydreamer is lazy, lacks discipline or both.  But, the fact is most ideas become reality because of daydreaming or imagining what if.

I would love to take you on a personal journey where a daydream I had early in my career eventually became reality but this description of my course is not the time nor place.

In this course will will look at dreams and means by which you might turn your dreams into reality.

You will learn how to use journal writing as one aid in achieving your dreams

Often we are held back in live from pursuing our dreams and other worthwhile endeavors because of fear.  Fear of failure. Fear of rejection, or just fear of the unknown.  I will help you look at the fears that are holding you back and give you concrete, actionable things you can do to overcome your fears and even eliminate many of them from your life.

Too many times in life we put things off thinking we will get to them tomorrow. The problem is, many times that tomorrow never comes.  In this course I will help you understand how procrastination can and will get in the way of turning your dreams into reality and give you exercises to help you learn to over come procrastination once and for all.

Doing this will require that you become proficient in two practices: Proper goal setting and dealing constructively with habits.

You will learn how to properly write a goal that can be achieved and steps you can then take to achieve your goals.  And finally, you will learn the mechanics of a habit.  This in turn leads you to an understanding of how habits work and control our lives.  You will learn how to eliminate bad habits and how to replace them with good, strong, positive habits

I look forward to working with you as you learn to turn your dreams into reality.

Who this course is for:

  • We all dream. Some have daydreams they wish could become a reality. If that's you then this course is for you.


  • In this course I present practical steps you can take to work towards making your dream a reality. You can too and I give you the steps you need to take.

  • Walt Disney said,, "If you can dream it, you can do it". He knew a thing or two about dreaming big and making those dreams become a reality.

  • You can too! I will give you the steps you need to take to turn your dreams into reality

  • I will teach you how to avoid putting off the work you need to do to change a dream into reality.

  • You will learn why procrastination actually causes you to work harder.


  • The tools required for a successful result from taking this course are your dreams and aspirations and a desire to be all you can be.

Turning Dreams Into Reality - Your Blueprint


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

2 Lectures
  • play icon Achieving Your Dreams 01:58 01:58
  • play icon Downloadable Resources
Learn To Manifest Your Dreams
4 Lectures
Keeping a Journal and Success – Are They Related
6 Lectures
Overcoming Fear
5 Lectures
How to Write Attainable Goals and Then Keep Them
8 Lectures
Let's Learn How to Develop Powerful Productive Habits
13 Lectures

Instructor Details

Brent Dalley

Brent Dalley

For the past 22years Brent has owned and operated his own business.

He works from home, writing and producing training courses in personal development, leadership, and personal communications.

He consults and coaches winning teams and team leaders.

He is a personal coach to those seeking to improve their personal life.

With forty years' experience in leadership, he has gained a lifetime’s knowledge and experience.

Throughout his career Brent has received awards in education, sales performance, cost control and asset management, and employee/management relationships.

In his time away from the office he has volunteered as a counselor and coach to countless individuals and couples.

He is married to the same young lady he met 60 years ago and together they have two daughters and one son and 9 grandchildren.

His current interests are mountain biking, hiking and spoiling grandchildren.

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