Tughlaq Dynasty


The beginning of the Tughlaq Dynasty bought many changes in the foreign and domestic policies of India. This dynasty was ruled by many famous yet efficient rulers such as Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq Shah II, Abu Bakr Shah, and Nasir-ud-din Mohammed Tughlaq.

Origin of the Tughlaq dynasty

The dynasty of Tughlaqs had the origin of Turkish and they come from a family of Muslims. In the year 1321, the famous ruler Ghazi Tughlaq makes victory over the throne and then was given the title Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. This dynasty ruled over India for a long period and the reason for this was their strong allies such as Turks, Afghans, and South Asian Muslim warriors.

Ghazi Tughlaq establishes the dynasty and it was famous for its torture, cruelty, and rebellions. The result of this matter was that the regime spread over this country very quickly. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was one of the greatest rulers of this period and during his reign; the dynasty reaches its peak point.

Reign of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, popularly known as Ghazi Malik, was called the creator of Tughlaq dynasty. This man had rude policies for the Mongols and were brutally harsh with them. He also murdered Ilkhan Oljeitu’s envoys. The construction of the Tughlaqabad Fort was made during his period.

He came from a humble background and made several contributions towards building a stable administration during his reign. He made some foreign and domestic policies and it was seen that he reinstated order in his empire. Some matters were given importance such as postal arrangements, judicial, irrigation, agriculture, and police.

Malik ascended the throne in the year 1320 AD and he took Bengal, Utkala or Orissa, and Waranga under his control. He confined the leaders of Mongols who tried to invade the northern part of India.

Reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Junakhan was given the title of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq in the year 1325 AD. He was famous for the political as well as administrative unity of India. He captured Warangal in the year 1327 AD and he filled his treasure by raising taxes in the Doab region.

People run to the forest for avoiding the heavy tax and the man shifted his capital from Delhi to Devagiri. The currency system of copper was introduced by him and he developed an army of 3, 70,000 men to capture Khurasan, Iraq, and Transoxiana. He had good domestic policies but they failed for faulty implementation measures.

Reign of Firoz Tughlaq

Firoz Tughlaq succeeded the throne in the year 1351 AD. He was Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq’s younger brother’s son. Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq granted some loans for agriculture but Firoz withdrew all of them. On the other hand, he implemented salary for the revenue officers and demolished unlawful taxes. Some important taxes were collected by him were Kharaj, Khams, Jizya, and Zakat.

Firoz contributed in a great way during his reign. Some of them includes construction of 150 wells, 100 bridges, and 50 dams. Apart from that, there were some towns constructed by him, namely, Firozabad, Hissar, Jaunpur, and Fatehabad. The autobiography of this man is Futuhat-i-Firoz Shahi and during his reign, many Sanskrit books on art, science, as well as medicine were translated into Persian.

Later Tughlaqs

Some famous later Tughlaqs were Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq Shah II, Abu Bakr Shah, and Nasir-ud-din Muhammad Tughlaq. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq Shah II was one of the grandsons of Firuz Tughlaq. He reigned over the country for a very short period and he was beheaded for some court intrigue. After that Abu Bakr, Muhammad Shah, and Humayun were ruled for the next five years.

Abu Bakr became the ruler of this dynasty after Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq II's assassination. Muhammad Shah was his uncle and he had a desire to rule over this dynasty he defeated Abu in 1390. The mission of Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad was to crush Abu as well as his followers and he ruled in this country from 1390 to 1394.

End of the Tughlaq dynasty

It was observed that Firoz’s successors were not competent or strong. Therefore, at the end of the 14th century, most of the territories have become independent. The only two parts were left and that was Punjab and Delhi and the invasion of Timur was taken place during this period.

Timur was the king of Samarqand and he was attracted by seeing Indian wealth and desired to capture it. This man invaded India when Nasir-ud-din Mohammed Tughlaq ruled over this country. He occupied this country in the year 1398 AD and inhumanly slaughtered the people of this area.


Tughlaq Dynasty is considered to be one of the most famous dynasties that ruled over India. Some famous rulers such as Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq make some changes in the policies of domestic as well as foreign. They invaded India by attracting the wealth of this country. This dynasty was famous for its cruelty and ruled for a long time in India.


Qns 1. Who established the dynasty of Tughlug?

Ans. The Tughlug dynasty was established by Ghazi Malik and this person ruled by accepting the name Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. He continued his journey from 1320 AD to 1412 AD.

Qns 2. How did the Tughlug dynasty demolish?

Ans. The death of Firoz Tughlaq in the year 1388 became the reason for the ending of this dynasty. After his death, there was no capable ruler and the dearth leads to the kingdom’s anarchy and the disintegration.

Qns 3. Why was the Tughlug dynasty famous?

Ans. The Tughlugs came from a Muslim family of Turkic origin. This dynasty became fruitful when Muhammad Bin Tughlaq ruled over it. This man led a military campaign and this dynasty was famous for its cruelty, torture, as well as rebellions.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2024


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