Trillian Alternatives

What is Trillian?

Trillian is an app which can be used to send instant messages either privately or in a group. Organizations that use the app have the opportunity to enable and disable certain features of the app. The app can also be used to share files, images, videos, audio, etc. The deployment of the app is self-hosted on the cloud or behind a firewall. The app can be used by businesses of all sizes.

Price Plans of Trillian

Trillian has four price plans whose details can be found in the table below −




$0 per month

Individual Pro

$3.33 per month


$3.99 per month


$7.99 per month

Why Trillian Alternatives?

  • The development community is small

  • Paid subscription is needed to use all the features

  • Slow integration

How to choose a Trillian Alternative?

Trillian has many advantages and some of them are listed below −

  • The user interface is easy to use

  • Chat history is synced on the cloud

  • Multiple chat clients can be added

Top 10 Trillian Alternatives

There are many alternatives to Trillian and some of them have been discussed here in detail. The list is given below −

  • Brosix

  • Digsby

  • Element

  • Microsoft Kaizala

  • Pumble

  • Signal

  • Skype

  • Telegram

  • Tox

  • Troop Messenger

Alternative 1 – Brosix

Brosix is an instant messaging application and a great alternative to Trillian. You can collaborate with your teams by using chats, audio and video calls, and meetings. Other features in the app include file transfer, spell check, screen sharing, workflow automation, and many more. You can also restrict access to certain files. The app is compatible with Android and iOS devices and can be used by all kinds of businesses.

Alternative 2 – Digsby

Digsby is an app which can be used by those people who face problems in using their social media, email, and chat accounts. Digsby can be used to add all the social media, email, chats, and other accounts and you can manage them through a single interface without worrying about the cluttering of the interface. You can control almost all the aspects of different accounts. All the accounts will be added in different tabs which will make the interface clear.

Alternative 3 – Element

Element is a communication app which can be used to collaborate with colleagues, family, and friends. The app can also be used to connect various social media accounts like WhatsApp, MS Teams, Slack, and many more. This is a decentralized app which has been made on Matrix so there are no chances of network failure.

Alternative 4 – Microsoft Kaizala

Microsoft Kaizala is a messaging app which helps users to collaborate with other users. Many organizations are using the software for collaboration with their team. The app comes with a chat interface which can be used for communication by using video calls, voice calls, multimedia messaging, etc. Data collection and task management can also be done through the software.

Alternative 5 – Pumble

Pumble is a free alternative to Trillian. It is a chat app which can used by teams to collaborate with each other. The app can be used to have voice calls, video calls, instant messaging, etc. for free Unlimited users can be added and history is also unlimited. If you use paid plans, you can have more features.

Alternative 6 – Signal

Signal is a communication app which you can use to send instant messages to your connections. The messages will be received and delivered in a secure environment and there is also no fear about compromise on privacy. The app can be used to make video calls, send videos, text, pictures, etc.

Alternative 7 – Skype

Skype is an alternative to Trillian and can be used for communication through voice calls, video calls, text messaging, and many more. Text messaging can be done with the help of rich text. Video calling can be done with a single person or a group. You can use the application for free.

Alternative 8 – Telegram

Telegram is a chatting app which can be easily used on Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile phones. The app can be used to connect with people from different locations. They can create groups and communicate with each other. A group can have hundreds of members and you can share documents, pictures, videos, and a lot more.

Alternative 9 – Tox

Tox is also a great Trillian alternative and the app can be used to make connections with dear ones. No violation of privacy will occur when you use this app. Tox is a free app and all the features available on this app can be used for free. The app is compatible with different operating systems and you can use it for instant messaging, voice calls, video calls, screen sharing, and many more.

Alternative 10 – Troop Messenger

Troop Messenger is a cloud-based app which can be used by all types and sizes of businesses. Video calls, instant messaging, audio calls, screen sharing file sharing, and work scheduling tools are available in the app. Users will also get the feature of pinning certain content that they want to read later. Users can also create groups to have group chats and calls.


Trillian is a chat app which you can use to have instant messaging, voice calls, video calls, file sharing, etc. The development community of the app is small and you need to go for paid subscriptions to use all the features. There many Trillian alternatives available and some of them include Signal, Digsby, Brosix, and many more.

Updated on: 02-Nov-2023


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