Trends in Cloud Computing and DevOps

Cloud computing encourages IT to change, and when paired with cutting-edge tools and automation, it has the potential to aid organizations in redoubling their efforts to integrate and streamline DevOps processes for higher productivity, which is revolutionary. DevOps's success depends on cloud computing, whether it is utilized internally or acquired from a service provider.

To meet the stringent distribution criteria, the virtual platform must be as functional as the application, and the transition from development to production must be seamless. Workers in the cloud are eager to meet their clients' DevOps requirements. Almost every major platform-as-a-service provider (PaaS) provides tools tailored to their environment.

Trends in Cloud Computing and DevOps

Cloud Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)

A Non-Fungible Token is referred to as NFT. The term "non-fungible" merely denotes the exclusivity of the item you purchase. Bitcoin or cash, for instance, may be exchanged for one another, making them fungible. A non-fungible example is a valuable baseball trading card or a piece of physical art. NFT technology, which enables you to store almost anything, is based on Blockchain like Ethereum.

The NFT Cloud is a stand-alone environment with several features. The platform has a built-in NFT exchange that enables one-click trading. When using Cloud NFT, the organization has ensured that you don't need to rely on other solutions. The platform provides access to several blockchain ecosystems within OpenSea and allows cross-chain NFT minting. Your NFT may be created, shared, and sold on the chosen platform for no charge.

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Infrastructure

In a multi-cloud environment, an organization frequently uses many public cloud services from various cloud providers. Hybrid clouds are often administered as a single entity and always contain a private cloud.

Multi-clouds can be both multi-cloud and hybrid clouds if they do, even if they do not require a private cloud component. When several public cloud services are integrated with private cloud resources, a hybrid cloud becomes multi-cloud. Hybrid cloud combines public and private clouds, often managing a single IT solution across both. A typical virtualization layer is created on top of a hybrid cloud.


A popular technique in application security called DevSecOps includes integrating security early in the software development life cycle (SDLC). Additionally, it enhances cooperation between the development and operations teams by including security teams in the software delivery process. Security becomes a shared responsibility under DevSecOps, which calls for changes in technologies, processes, and culture across these key functional teams. The DevOps CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) process must incorporate security, and everyone participating in the SDLC has a part to play.

Edge Computing

Enterprise applications are brought closer to data sources like IoT sensors or local edge servers using edge computing, a distributed computing architecture. Substantial business benefits, including quicker insights, quicker responses, and greater bandwidth availability, can result from being close to the data at its source.

Since 5G networks are becoming more prevalent worldwide, edge computing is, in many respects, the next step in the evolution of cloud computing. More businesses than ever before may make use of thorough data analysis without the IT infrastructure required in earlier generations. Like other technologies, edge computing offers a wide range of potential uses, such as improved consumer experiences, self-driving cars, security and medical monitoring, and video conferencing.

DevOps-as-a-Service (DAAS)

A distribution strategy for a collection of tools called DevOps as a Service encourages communication between a company's operations staff and software development team. In this delivery model, the DevOps as a Service provider offers many tools that cover different facets of the overall process and links them so they may function as a single entity.

Every activity taken during the software delivery process should be able to be traced, according to the philosophy of DevOps as a Service. The DevOps as a Service technology enables the organization to effectively use continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to create business value. Additionally, the development group receives input from DevOps as a Service when an issue arises.

Augmented Reality Cloud

The phrase "AR Cloud" refers to technology that enables the distribution of user-centric contextual digital content overlaid over physical items on devices such as phones, headsets, or head-mounted displays (HMD).

Essentially, AR cloud innovation enables the integration of the actual and virtual/digital worlds to create dynamic experiences. Every encounter may provide more digitally-sourced context to people, locations, and objects, allowing customers to be provided information about their immediate surroundings.

Final Words

Cloud computing and the DevOps methodology will continue to evolve and pivot regardless of the future of information technology organizations. Organizations should adopt these Cloud Computing and DevOps trends to create substantial IT changes that directly support their business objectives and aims.

Updated on: 14-Oct-2022


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