Transgenic Crops and Agronomic Traits


Transgenic crops are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that have been altered in a laboratory setting to possess specific agronomic traits. Agronomic traits refer to the various characteristics that crops exhibit such as resistance to pests and diseases, increased yield, and tolerance to abiotic stress such as drought and salinity.

Transgenic crops have been engineered to exhibit these traits by introducing genes from other organisms, which can confer these traits onto the crops. Transgenic crops have been a topic of much debate and controversy, with proponents arguing that they can help address the world's food security challenges, while opponents argue that they pose risks to human health and the environment.

The content below elucidates the science behind transgenic crops and their agronomic traits.

What are Transgenic Crops?

Transgenic crops are plants that have been genetically modified by the introduction of foreign genes into their genome. These foreign genes are usually derived from other organisms such as bacteria or other plants, and they can confer specific traits onto the crops.

For example, the introduction of a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) into cotton plants confers resistance to certain insects that feed on cotton. This means that cotton plants that have been genetically modified to contain the Bt gene are less susceptible to insect damage, which can result in higher yields and lower pesticide use.

Transgenic crops can be created using a variety of methods, but the most common method is the use of a gene gun. This involves coating tiny metal particles with the foreign genes and then firing them into plant cells using high-pressure air.

Benefits of Transgenic Crops

Transgenic crops have been developed to provide a variety of benefits to farmers and consumers. Some of these benefits include −

Increased Yield

Transgenic crops can be engineered to produce higher yields than their non-transgenic counterparts. For example, corn plants that have been genetically modified to express the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) can produce higher yields under water-stressed conditions than non-transgenic plants.

Resistance to Pests and Diseases

Transgenic crops can be engineered to be resistant to certain pests and diseases, which can reduce the need for pesticides and other chemical treatments. For example, the Bt gene mentioned earlier can confer resistance to certain insects that feed on cotton and other crops.

Tolerance to Abiotic Stress

Transgenic crops can be engineered to tolerate abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. This can help crops to survive and produce yields in harsh environments where non-transgenic crops may fail.

Improved Nutritional Content

Transgenic crops can be engineered to contain higher levels of certain nutrients, which can help to address malnutrition in populations that rely heavily on staple crops. For example, "Golden Rice" has been developed to contain high levels of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body.

Risks of Transgenic Crops

Despite the potential benefits of transgenic crops, there are also concerns about their safety and impact on the environment. Some of these concerns include −

Potential Harm to Human Health

There are concerns that consuming transgenic crops could have harmful effects on human health, although this has not been definitively proven. Some opponents of transgenic crops argue that the introduction of foreign genes into the food supply could trigger allergies or other health problems.

Environmental Impact

There are concerns that transgenic crops could have unintended environmental consequences, such as the creation of "superweeds" that are resistant to herbicides. There are also concerns about the impact of transgenic crops on non-target organisms such as pollinators and beneficial insects.

Agronomic Traits of Transgenic Crops

Some of the most common agronomic traits that have been engineered into transgenic crops include −

Resistance to Pests and Diseases

This is perhaps the most widely used agronomic trait in transgenic crops. Genes from other organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and other plants have been introduced into crops to confer resistance to pests and diseases. Example: cotton, corn, soybeans, and canola.

Tolerance to Abiotic Stress

Transgenic crops can also be engineered to tolerate abiotic stress such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. This can help crops to survive and produce yields in harsh environments where non-transgenic crops may fail. Example: rice, wheat, and soybeans.

Improved Nutritional Content

Transgenic crops can be engineered to contain higher levels of certain nutrients, which can help to address malnutrition in populations that rely heavily on staple crops. Example: Golden Rice.

Improved Yield

Transgenic crops can be engineered to produce higher yields than their non-transgenic counterparts. For example, soybeans that have been engineered to produce more oil can yield up to 10% more than non-transgenic soybeans.

Herbicide Tolerance

Transgenic crops can also be engineered to be tolerant to herbicides, which can allow farmers to use these chemicals to control weeds without harming their crops. This can reduce the need for manual weeding, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Examples of Transgenic Crops

Transgenic crops have been developed for a variety of crops, including both food and non-food crops. Some examples of transgenic crops include −

  • Bt Cotton: Cotton plants that have been engineered to contain the Bt gene are resistant to certain insects that feed on cotton. This can reduce the need for pesticide use and increase yields.

  • Roundup Ready Soybeans: Soybeans that have been engineered to be tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate (sold under the brand name Roundup) can be sprayed with this chemical to control weeds without harming the soybeans.

  • Golden Rice: This is a variety of rice that has been engineered to contain high levels of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body.

  • Drought-Tolerant Maize: Maize that has been engineered to tolerate drought can produce higher yields under water-stressed conditions than non-transgenic maize.


Transgenic crops are genetically modified organisms that have been engineered to possess specific agronomic traits such as resistance to pests and diseases, increased yield, and tolerance to abiotic stress.

While these crops have the potential to benefit farmers and consumers, there are also concerns about their safety and impact on the environment. The development and use of transgenic crops should be approached with caution.

Updated on: 29-Mar-2023


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