Top Software Testing Interview Questions & Answers

We've collected a list of the most often requested software testing questions and answers to familiarize you with the types of software tester interview questions that an examiner may ask you during your interview. We have addressed all often posed basic and advanced testing interview questions with extensive answers in this list of interview questions for software testing with answers to assist you in easily clear the software testing job interview.

What exactly is exploratory testing?

Exploratory testing is a practical learning method wherein testers are engaged in as little preparation as possible and as much test execution as possible. The plan includes developing a test strategy, which is a brief description of the range of a short (1 to 2 hours) time-boxed testing activity, as well as the goals and various methodologies to be employed.

Usually, the test formulation and implementation operations are carried out concurrently, with no written documentation of the exam conditions, test scenarios, or test scripts. This does not exclude the employment of other, more formal testing procedures. For instance, if the tester decides to apply boundary assessment, he or she will consider about and test the most relevant boundary values without actually putting them down. During the exploratory-testing period, certain notes will be taken in order to compile a review afterwards.

What exactly is "use case testing"?

A "use case" is being used to discover and implement the required functionality of an app from beginning to end, and the methodologies used to do so are known as "Use Case Testing."

What is the distinction between the STLC and the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?

SDLC is concerned with software development/coding, whereas STLC is concerned with software testing and evaluation.

What exactly is a traceability matrix?

A document is used to demonstrate the link between test scenarios and objectives. This is referred to as a traceability matrix.

What is the definition of equivalence partitioning testing?

Equivalence partitioning testing is a software testing approach wherein the program input test data is divided into at least one division of equivalent data from which test cases may be produced. This testing strategy decreases the amount of time necessary for software testing.

What is white box testing and what are the many forms of white box testing?

The white box testing approach includes selecting test cases based on an examination of a component's or system's inner workings (code coverage, branching coverage, pathways reportage, condition coverage, etc.). It is often referred to as code-based testing or structural testing. There are several forms of white box testing −

  • Statement Coverage

  • Decision Coverage

What do you validate in white box testing?

The following steps are validated through white box testing.

  • Examine the script for security flaws.

  • Examine the code for any missing or damaged pathways.

  • Check the structure's operation against the document's specifications.

  • Check the anticipated outcomes.

  • Inspect all conditional loops in the code to ensure that the program works properly.

  • Check the line-by-line code and do 100% verification.

What exactly is black box testing? What are the various black box testing methods?

Black box testing is a software testing approach wherein the application is tested without understanding the actual structure of the code or program. This testing is often performed to ensure that an application works properly. The various black box testing procedures are as follows −

  • Partitioning by Equivalence

  • Evaluation of boundary values

  • Graphing cause-and-effect

What exactly is the distinction between static and dynamic testing?

Static testing: The program is not run during the static testing technique, which is conducted using the program documentation.

Dynamic testing requires the program to be in accessible way in order to be performed.

What is the difference between verification and validation?

The technique of reviewing software during the development cycle is known as verification. It assists you in determining whether the result of a given application meets the required standards. Validation is the process of reviewing software after it has been developed to ensure that it fits the needs of the client.

What are the many stages of testing?

There are four stages of testing.

  • Testing of units/components/programs/modules

  • Testing for integration

  • System evaluation

  • Testing for Acceptance

What exactly is integration testing?

Integration testing is a stage of the testing phase in which separate software modules are joined and evaluated. It is often carried out following unit and functional testing.

What are the components of a test plan?

The Test plan document contains numerous elements such as test design, objective, test methodologies, and strategy.

  • Identification for the test case

  • Scope

  • To be evaluated capabilities

  • Functions that will not be evaluated

  • Test strategy and methodology

  • Deliverables for testing

  • Duties

  • Personnel and training

  • Contingencies and Risks

What's the distinction between UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and system testing?

System Validation − System testing is the process of discovering flaws in a system overall; it is often referred to as end-to-end testing. In this form of testing, the application struggles from start to finish.

UAT − User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the process of putting a product through a set of tests to see if it will fulfill the demands of its customers.

What is the distinction between Data Driven Testing and Retesting?

Retesting is the practice of verifying defects that have been addressed by the development team to ensure that they have been resolved.

Data Driven Testing (DDT) − The application is evaluated with numerous test data sets in the data-driven testing method. The application is evaluated with different values.

What are the most important measures to take when troubleshooting during testing?

  • Record − Keep a record of any difficulties that occur and deal with them.

  • Report − Inform a higher-level management about the problems.

  • Control − Specify the problem management procedure.

What is the distinction between a test scenario, a test case, and a test script?

  • Test Scenarios − Any capability that may be tested is referred to as a Test Scenario. It is also known as a Test Condition or a Test Possibility.

  • Test Cases − This is a document that provides the actions that must be completed; it was previously planned.

  • Test Script − It is a brief program developed in a programming language that is used to evaluate a portion of the software system's functionality. In other words, it is a documented sequence of actions that must be done manually.

What exactly is a latent defect?

Latent defect − A flaw that exists in the system but it does not cause a problem because the specific set of parameters was never fulfilled.

What are the two factors that can help you determine the effectiveness of test execution?

We may use two factors to determine the efficiency of test execution.

  • Ratio of defects rejected

  • Ratio of defect leaking

What is the purpose of the "phantom" software testing tool?

Phantom is a free scripting language for Windows GUI automation. It enables us to control multiple windows and functionalities. It can mimic any combo of keystrokes and mouse actions, and also menus, lists, and other features.

What exactly are Test Deliverables?

Test Deliverables are a collection of records, tools, and other components that must be built and sustained in order to enable assessment.

At each stage of the software development lifecycle, there are various test deliverables.

  • Prior to Testing

  • During the Testing

  • Following the Testing

What exactly is mutation testing?

Mutation testing is a method for determining whether a collection of test data or a test case is helpful by purposefully incorporating different code changes (flaws) and retesting with the original test data/cases to see whether the flaws are discovered.

What should you think about before choosing automation solutions for the AUT?

  • Technical Suitability

  • Level of difficulty

  • Application dependability

  • Data from tests

  • Size of the application

  • Automatic script reusability

  • Across-the-board execution

What method will you use to undertake risk analysis?

The following procedures must be taken in order to conduct a risk analysis.

  • Calculating the risk level

  • Developing a risk profile

  • Modifying the risk characteristics

  • Employ the test risk's resources.

  • Creating a risk database

What are the different types of debugging?

Debugging categories −

  • Top Software Testing Interview Questions & Answers

  • Backtracking

  • Cause elimination

  • Program Slicing

  • Fault tree analysis

What is fault masking and can you describe it with an example?

Fault masking occurs when the existence of one flaw obscures the existence of another problem in the system.

For example, if the "Negative Value" causes an unhandled system error to be thrown, the developer will block negative values from being entered. This will fix the problem and conceal the flaw of unhandled exception firing.

Updated on: 20-Dec-2021


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