Top Kubernetes Interview questions

The best orchestration technology nowadays is Kubernetes, which has become the industry buzzword. It draws a lot of seasoned employees looking to go up the corporate ladder. International businesses including Huawei, Pokémon, eBay, Yahoo Japan, SAP, Open AI, and Sound Cloud utilize Kubernetes on a daily basis. The market, however, is lacking in Kubernetes Certified experts. I assume you already are aware of these details, which led you to this post about Kubernetes Interview Questions. This article will help you learn about the most common interview questions.

Describe Kubernetes

An open-source container management platform called Kubernetes is in charge of load balancing, scaling and descaling of containers, and container deployment. Being a Google creation, it provides amazing community and functions flawlessly with all cloud providers. We may thus conclude that Kubernetes is a multi-container management tool rather than a platform for containerization.

How are Docker and Kubernetes related?

It is well known that a Docker image creates runtime containers, and that Docker manages the lifespan of containers. However, Kubernetes is employed because these distinct containers need to interact. Therefore, containers are created by Docker, and they interact with one another using Kubernetes. Therefore, Kubernetes may be used to manually link and coordinate containers that are operating on many hosts. DevOps Engineer experience requirements

How does container orchestration work?

Imagine that your application consists of 5–6 microservices. These microservices are now housed in separate containers, however they cannot interact without container orchestration. Therefore, container orchestration refers to all the services in separate containers cooperating to meet the demands of a single server, much as orchestration refers to the amalgamation of all instruments performing together in harmony in music.

How What do K8s do?

Another name for Kubernetes is K8s.

What are the primary differences between Kubernetes and the Docker Swarm?

The native, open-source container orchestration tool from Docker is called Docker Swarm. It is used to cluster and schedule Docker containers. Listed below are the ways via which Swarm and Kubernetes are different −

  • While Kubernetes is more difficult to set up, it has the advantage of having the assurance of a solid cluster. Docker Swarm is easier to set up but lacks a robust cluster.

  • Although Kubernetes and Docker Swarm both lack the ability to do auto-scaling, Docker scaling is five times quicker than Kubernetes.

  • Unlike Kubernetes, which includes a GUI in the form of a dashboard, Docker Swarm lacks a GUI.

  • While Kubernetes requires user intervention to load balance traffic across containers in a cluster, Docker Swarm automatically accomplishes so.

  • While Kubernetes includes built-in capabilities for logging and monitoring, Docker needs external tools like the ELK stack.

  • Unlike Kubernetes, which can only share storage volumes with containers in the same pod, Docker Swarm can simply share storage volumes with any container.

  • While Kubernetes can deploy rolling updates as well as automated rollbacks, Docker can only deploy rolling updates; the latter cannot deploy automatic rollbacks.

How can K8 node maintenance be performed?

The Kubernetes administrator must conduct the maintenance operation to deploy the security patch to the operating container whenever one is available in order to prevent vulnerability, which is frequently an inevitable aspect of management. To securely drain the K8s node, execute the next two instructions.

  • kubectl Cordon 

  • kubectl drain -ignore-daemon set in

After the first command, which places the node in maintenance mode or otherwise makes it inaccessible, comes kubectl drain, which removes the pod from the node for good. Once the drain order has been successfully executed, maintenance can be done.

Note − The following two commands can be used sequentially to perform maintenance on a single pod −

  • kubectl get nodes: to list all the nodes

  • kubectl drain <node name>: drain a particular nod

What exactly is init container and when one may utilize it?

Prior to launching the POD, init containers will establish a stage for you.

When using a command like sleep 60 to start the programme Container, wait a while.

Into a volume, clone a git repository.

What function does load balancing serve in Kubernetes?

The usage of load balancing, which helps to guarantee that the application is accessible to users, allows incoming traffic to be divided across several backend servers.

In Kubernetes, as seen in the above picture, all incoming traffic originates at a single IP address on the load balancer, allowing you to expose your service to the outside world. The load balancer then uses the round-robin algorithm to direct the incoming traffic to a specific pod (through service). Even if a single pod fails, load balancers are alerted, preventing traffic from being sent to that particular unreachable node. As a result, Kubernetes load balancers are in charge of distributing a number of jobs (incoming traffic) to the pods.

What are operators?

The operator offers the ability to manage applications and their constituent parts utilizing custom resources as an extension to K8. In general, operators follow all Kubernetes-related rules, notably those that deal with control loops.

Describe GKE

GKE, short for Google Kubernetes Engine, is a tool for managing and orchestrating Docker container systems. The container cluster may also be orchestrated with the aid of Google Public Cloud.

What is the Cluster IP?

The host ports and the pods or map container port are connected via the cluster IP, which is a built-in Kubernetes service. It offers cluster services and grants access to other applications that are part of the same cluster.

List some benefits which Kubernetes offer?

The following are some benefits of Kubernetes −

  • Free and open-source, Kubernetes

  • It is more powerful than Docker swarm and very scalable. It also operates on any operating system.

  • It offers health checks, rolling updates, auto-scaling, and a scheduler.

  • It has a flat network environment and specialized features.

  • Building efficient CI/CD pipelines is simple.

  • It could raise output.


Above listed Kubernetes Interview questions are the 12 basic level questions which would help you do the self-analysis on your Kubernetes knowledge understanding and would allow you to take measures and prepare for your next interview according to the gap between your fore coming interview’s level and your level.

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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