Top Database Testing Interview Questions & Answers

The following are some often requested SQL Interview Questions for both new and seasoned testers.

1) What exactly is database testing?

Backend testing is another term for database testing.

Database testing is divided into four types.

  • Data Integrity Testing

  • Validity testing of data

  • Performance of data bases

  • Function, process, and trigger testing

2) In database testing, what do we need to verify on a regular basis?

Typically, the following items are checked in DB Testing −

  • Check for Constraints

  • Validation of a Field Dimension

  • Preserved technique

  • Matching the size of application fields to the size of database fields

  • Indexes for issues based on performance

3) What is a data-driven test?

A data-driven test is used in a data-table to test multiple numbers of data. This allows it to simply replace parameters from several places at the same time.

4) Define joins and describe the various forms of joins.

A join is used to show two or more tables, and there are many sorts of joins.

  • Natural Connection

  • Inner Connection

  • Outer Joining

  • Cross-joining

The outside join is separated once more −

  • Outer left join

  • Outer right join

5) What are indexes, and what are the many sorts of indexes?

Indexes are database objects that are added to columns. They are regularly visited in order to retrieve data fast. Indexes come in a variety of forms, including −

  • The B-Tree index

  • Index of bitmaps

  • Index with clusters

  • Coverage index

  • Index that isn't unique

  • Index that is unique

6) What actions does a tester take while testing stored procedures?

The tester will examine the standard format of the stored procedures as well as the fields such as updates, joins, indexes, and deletions as specified in the stored procedure.

7) How would you know whether or not a trigger is triggered during database testing?

You can find out whether or not a trigger was triggered by accessing the common audit log. The triggers that were fired may be seen in the audit log.

8) What are the stages for testing data loading in data base testing?

To test data loading, the actions below must be taken.

  • The source of the data should be identified.

  • The target data must be known.

  • The compatibility of the source and destination should be verified.

  • After opening the correct DTS package in SQL Enterprise manager, start the DTS package.

  • You must compare the columns of the goal with the data source.

  • The number of rows in the target and source should be counted.

  • After modifying the data in the source, check to see whether the changes are reflected in the destination.

  • Examine NULLs and garbage characters.

9) How can you test a SQL query in QTP without utilizing Database Checkpoints?

We may connect to the database and test the queries and database by building a scripting operation in VBScript.

10) Could you please explain how to utilize SQL queries in QTP?

You must pick the SQL manual queries option in QTP when utilizing output database check point and database check. After choosing the manual queries option, enter the "select" queries to get data from the database and compare the predicted and actual values.

11) How should test cases for database testing be written?

Writing test cases is similar to functional testing. You must first understand the application's functional requirements. Then you must decide on the parameters for developing test cases, such as

  • Write out the aim that you want to test.

  • Input method: Specify the action or input method you wish to use.

  • How it should look in the database is expected.

12) What SQL statements have you used in database testing to maintain and alter the test table?

Table manipulation commands like as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are used, whereas table management statements such as ALTER TABLE, CREATE TABLE, and DELETE TABLE are used.

13) How should database operations and triggers be tested?

The input and output parameters of database procedures and triggers must be understood in order to test them. To execute the process and analyze the behavior of the tables, use the EXEC command.

  • In solution explorer, open the database project.

  • Now, from the View menu, choose the database schema.

  • Using schema, go to the project folder. View the menu

  • Right-click on the item to be tested, and then choose the Create Unit Tests option from the pop-up menu.

  • Create a new language test project after that.

  • Click OK after selecting either a) Insert the unit test or b) Create a new test.

  • The Project Configuration dialog box will be used to configure any projects that need it.

  • Once everything is set up, click OK.

14) How do you construct testcases from requirements that capture the actual functionality of the AUT (Application Under Test)?

To develop testcases from requirements, you must first extensively analyze the requirements in terms of functionality. Following that, you consider the relevant testcase design approaches, such as equivalence partitioning, black box design, cause effect graphing, and so on, for developing the testcases. Yes, the criteria describe the AUT's specific functionality.

15) What exactly is DBMS?

DBMS is an abbreviation for Database management system; there are several varieties of DBMS.

  • Model of a Network

  • Model of Hierarchy

  • Relationship Model

16) What exactly is DML?

DML is an abbreviation for Data Manipulation Language, and it is used to handle data using schema objects. SQL is a subset of it.

17) What exactly are DCL commands? What are the two sorts of instructions that DCL employs?

DCL is an abbreviation for Data Control Language, and it is used to control data.

DCL Commands are classified into two types −

  • Grant − By using this command, a user may gain access to a database.

  • Revoke − This command prevents the user from accessing the database.

18) What is the difference between white box and black box testing?

Black box testing is evaluating the software's outputs in response to specific inputs. This testing is frequently done to check whether the program fits the needs of the user. There is no particular functional result anticipated if this test is executed.

White box testing is used to ensure that the code and logic of the software are correct. This testing is carried out by the programmer, who is familiar with the system's logical flow.

19) What criteria does QTP use to assess test results?

QTP will provide a report after the testing is completed. This report will display the checkpoints, system messages, and errors discovered during testing. Any mismatches found at the checkpoints will be shown in the test results box.

20) Describe the QTP testing procedure.

The QTP testing procedure consists of the following steps −

  • Creating a User Interface (Graphical User Interface) Files with maps: Identifies the GUI item to be tested.

  • Creating test scripts: Test scripts are written down.

  • Debug testing: Debug tests should be performed.

  • Tests should be conducted: Testcases should be executed.

  • View the results: The results show whether the tests were successful or unsuccessful.

  • Report detects − If the test fails, the reasons for the failure will be noted in the report detect file.

21) What is load testing, and can you offer any examples?

Load testing is used to assess the system's reaction. Stress testing occurs when the load surpasses the user's pattern. Load testing includes downloading a huge number of big files, running many apps on a single computer, submitting a server to a large number of e-mails, and assigning many jobs to a printer one after the other.

22) How can I manually test a database?

Manually testing the database entails verifying the data at the back end to determine whether the addition of data in the front end affects the back end, and vice versa for delete, update, insert, and so on.

23) What does RDBMS stand for, and what are the key RDBMS that SQL employs?

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management Systems that use SQL, and some of the most notable RDBMS that SQL utilizes include Sybase, Oracle, Access, Ingres, Microsoft SQL server, and so on.

24) What is performance testing, and what are the performance testing bottlenecks?

The speed of a computer system is determined via performance testing. It contains quantitative testing such as reaction time measurement. The issue with performance testing is that you always require well-trained and experienced personnel, and the equipment you employ is costly.

25) What exactly is DDL, and what are its commands?

DDL is used by developers to specify database structure. DDL is an abbreviation for Data Definition Language. Create, Truncate, Drop, Alter, Comment, and Rename are among the DDL commands.

26. What exactly is CMMI, and how do the various levels of CMM differ?

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a system development, training, and assessment model for numerous business operations in software engineering.

A business may achieve five levels of CMM maturity −

  • Initially − Because businesses at this stage lack a validated method and setting, budgets and schedules are often exceeded.

  • Repeatable − During this stage, businesses have fundamental strategies and rules in place to control costs and schedule time, and they are competent of doing the same for a comparable project in the future.

  • Defined − All procedures are carefully arranged and taught in a clear and uniform format at this stage.

  • Managed − Organizations are substantially more established at this stage than it was at the Defined level. Methods are engaged here utilizing statistical and other quantitative methods.

  • Optimization − Organizations make a concerted effort to boost results by using contemporary technological advancement.

Updated on: 26-Nov-2021


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