Top credit card security tips while shopping online

We now live in a completely virtual universe in which we spend the majority of our time, whether looking through our social media pages or having food and groceries delivered to our door; we are all completely reliant on technology. We know that most of us will be acquiring anything online during the Big Billion Days or the Great Indian Festival, where the variety is endless, and the offers are insane. However, before visiting these online purchasing sites, we must all be informed of any security problems.

Threats to Online Shopping

Let's check some of the potential risks of shopping online and how to stay protected from them.

Data That Isn't  Encrypted

The most crucial part of web application security is data encryption. When you enter sensitive information on a website, such as your credit card number, you expect your data to be protected by effective encryption within the online application. However, this isn't always the case.

Data isn't always encrypted on some websites. They are vulnerable to assaults because they use outdated SSL certificates and HTTP protocols. A red signal is that any website whose URL begins with HTTP rather than HTTPS is not secure. To warn users, Google has started flagging such sites as not secure.

Fake Websites and Apps

Many online frauds are being done using fake websites and apps where cybercriminals create fake links and websites similar to original online shopping platforms. Still, they will slightly modify a letter or two so that we don't notice the change and this method is also known as phishing.

These websites advertise fake products and are mainly built to get your credit card information, bank details, and personal information. They primarily target older people and people who are not well aware of this technology.


We all have probably gone through this in our online shopping experiences, including getting pop-up ads telling us you won a lottery. All you have to do to claim that is click this link, but as soon as you click it, you will be asked to share your personal information, or your device gets infected with a sort of malware. So always keep an out for these scams.


Like adware, legal retailers can be infected with malware and used as a front to propagate the infection to others who visit the site. It would only take a single visit to the website for the malware to infect your computer. If you don't have a decent antivirus to date, you could easily fall victim to this.


Hackers can benefit from unauthorised entry to other laptops and constantly search for ways to break into a network. They usually accomplish some of these the usage of unpatched software holes. Even non-technical people can hack information online on the strategies, malware, and gear used.

Security Tips while Shopping Online

Following are some of the security tips that you can follow while shopping online −

Determine Your Willingness to Take Risks

It's common to choose between security and convenience, so knowing how far you're ready to go to secure your credit card will help you decide which steps are worthwhile. Maximum protection necessitates a more significant time commitment on your part, so consider how much effort you're ready to put forth to keep your card secure.

Punching in an authorisation code for each purchase and setting up tailored notifications are your best options if you want to reduce the risk and hassle of fraud — as well as the time it takes to fix it to the maximum extent possible.

If you don't want to approve each transaction or manually review your statements, focus on your card provider's automated services and capabilities.

Examine Your Credit Card Statements

Check your credit card accounts regularly to ensure that you or any authorised users made the transactions reported. Contact your card issuer immediately to file a dispute if you find anything unusual.

Sign Up for Transaction Notifications

Create transaction alerts to provide another degree of security to your credit card accounts, in addition to personally checking them. You can set up notifications for transactions that surpass a specific threshold, foreign purchases, balance transfer requests, and other events.

Shop Only on Secure Websites

Ensure the site you're on is authentic and secure before entering any personal or financial information. Looking for "HTTPS" at the beginning of a website's address is the easiest method to tell. If the "s" at the end of "HTTP" is missing, the site isn't encrypted, and your information isn't safe. The "s" will appear on all legitimate shopping sites for your protection.

Enable Two-factor Authentication

Many online accounts allow you to set up two-factor authentication, adding another degree of security to your account. You can have a one- time unique code texted to your phone, which might potentially stop scammers in their tracks.

Avoid Being a Victim of Phishing Scams

Don't open emails from strangers or visit websites you've never seen before. Fake emails from your bank or other financial institution claiming there is an alarm or problem with your account are another way the bad guys try to get you. Never enter your account details in response to an email like this. Always call the bank directly to verify any potential problems.

Protect Your Devices and Networks

If you allow your browser to save your credit card number, you may be susceptible. Consider turning off the Autofill feature in each browser you use to avoid this.

Consider using a digital wallet, a payment system stored on your smartphone and allows you to perform electronic transactions using your credit cards. Because digital wallets use encryption, tokenisation and authentication, they can be safer than carrying a credit card. If you use a digital wallet, make it difficult to access your phone by demanding a passcode and, if possible, a fingerprint, and download an app to help you find it if you misplace it.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022


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